The Fascinating World of Plumogy

The Study of Feathers

Children - Animals
56 Pages
Reviewed on 08/20/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Kristine Zimmerman for Readers' Favorite

The Fascinating World of Plumogy: The Study of Feathers by Cheryl Johnson is an informative and beautiful introduction to birds. Before the main body of the book, kids are introduced to specific vocabulary related to birds and their feathers. Each bird that is featured includes a closeup photograph followed by pertinent facts. The visual facts include a map of where they live in winter and summer, their size and weight represented by items kids would be familiar with, and their habitat. In addition to the birds, facts about feathers are discussed. Kids will learn why birds have different types of feathers and how they use their feathers to attract a mate and for camouflage. Interspersed throughout the text are boxes that dive more deeply into endangered species, bird banding, and bird identification.

Cheryl Johnson has filled The Fascinating World of Plumogy with an abundance of facts sure to please budding ornithologists. The photographs and layout of the text are very kid-pleasing. The text is broken up so kids can dive into a topic that interests them. All the highlighted birds are found in the United States, and there is a nice variety from shore birds to raptors to backyard birds. There are some QR codes included that link to sites to help with identifying feathers, bands, and birds! The photographs are stunning and feature the birds in their natural habitats. I love the Eastern Screech Owl photo. The Fascinating World of Plumogy: The Study of Feathers is full of captivating details that will enlighten kids and adults.