The Feast of Saint Bertie

Christian - Fiction
384 Pages
Reviewed on 09/03/2009
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

An arsonist torches her house while she was burying her husband. Her grown son is missing, and her best friend is driving her to distraction. Bertie decides it is time to simplify her life. She takes desperate measures to find both God and her son.

Roberta (Bertie) Denys’ life is out of control. Like a lot of us, things have taken over her life. After living an affluent life, she courageously gives it all up.  You have to love Bertie. Once she makes a decision she sticks with it.  Part of me was cheering her on while part of me was saying, “you don’t have to go to that extreme.” In her newfound life of solitude, she finds neighbors. Russ, India, Brenda, and Boyd each become a part of her life even as she resists their presence. The supporting characters are more than a bit peculiar and endearing. Bertie discovers that even the pain of life has offerings. Through pain, we find life’s greatest treasures. I cannot say enough good about this book. I could not put it down. Kathleen Popa draws the reader in and holds them captive. If you only read one book this year, make it this one.

Bonnie Grove

Bertie is trying to be something more than she is by becoming less. She is seeking the living God by trying to allow Him room to come to her. But unplugging from a wired world and plugging into God isn't so easy. How do you shed the trappings of the modern age when they chase you to your hiding place?

Brimming with ordinary mircles, and loving detail, Popa invites readers deep into the heart of an untamed God. And challenges us to shift our perspective and see how close He is. Rich reading for the spiritually starved. Don't hesitate to dig in!

Jane Squires

The title of this book does not give you an idea what you will find inside. Bertie starts out losing her husband after an illness that was hard to deal with. The day of his funeral her house is burned to the ground. Her son is missing and she cannot find him to tell him of his Dad's death.
What you find in this book is life as it happens to so many of us and we don't realize how it affects those around us. You find a wife grieving for the loss of her husband and her son's return. You find her trying to find answers and simplfy her life during her grief. You find a friend who stays with her even if at times their lives seem so different.
A journey through home delivery of a baby, people and their faith, marriage problems of those Bertie encounters in her endeavor to be alone with God.
One thing I have learned in life is God uses people to affect us. Even when we may be setting out on one journey, God may have a different direction and different plans entirely. Disruptions to our schedule may be for the good in the long run.
As one who has walked through the rebellion of a child, I could relate to Bertie looking for her grown son. You learn a lot about homeless people and homeless shelters on the road.
An act of kindness can change a person - in this case a young lady who is pregnant and looking to spells and such instead of what her Grandmother believed.
Entwined in this book is how paths cross, recross, and sometimes come to a happy ending.
A must read.

Michelle Ule

"Fire is a lovely thing," thinks Roberta "Bertie" Denys when she returns home from her husband's funeral to find her home burned to the ground. In a sense, it frees her from all that ties her to her past and releases her to worship God in a monastic poverty.

But monasticism is harder to come by than she expects, and relationships from the past, as well as the neighborhood, entangle her loving heart and distract her from the way she thinks she wants to worship God.

In this wise novel, Popa gently skewers spiritual pretention, materialism, new-age worship, and reminds us that love ultimately conquers all. With lyrical descriptions, curious twists and a unique way of looking at modern life, "The Feast of Saint Bertie" has insights about worshipping God in a modern setting that leaves us feeling all really will be well.

M. L. Durfey

The Feast of Saint Bertie
Comments: Wonderful, inspiring, and such a welcome breeze! Very thoughtful and believable. The spirit of this graceful writer is everywhere and on every page you turn in this magnificent story. It will keep you spellbound from the first page clear through to the end. Roberta and India and all the other characters will grab at your soul, as Popa weaves their fascinating, complex, yet often simple story of living, overcoming and triumph. In a world that often challenges us to question what is of real value and importance; and how to live a truly authentic life. This story leaves you with the belief that the answers are out there if we will allow ourselves to discover them. You will want to recommend this book to your family and friends, as I have. They have all thanked me and asked me if she has written any others. Well, of course, I tell them, To Dance in The Desert! And I hear Popa is working of her next book as we speak. How many stories does she have in her? Let's watch(and read)and maybe we will find out. Perhaps she is the next Michner and she'll be keeping us entertained and inspired for decades. One can only hope.
Peggy Kelly Durfey


I read this while sitting in my backyard and fell in love with this beautiful novel that inspired me to live simply and focus on everyday gifts from God. Bertie's struggle to dedicate day to day living to the Lord is so relatable in today's culture. I loved the humor in Bertie's mistakes and I was inspired by her passion. I am so glad to have discoverd Kathleen Popa.