The Foundation

An Innocents Story

Young Adult - Mystery
294 Pages
Reviewed on 09/03/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

The Foundation: An Innocents Story by Patrick Barrins is a young adult mystery novel that follows Elizabeth as she navigates a dystopian world where power and success dominate, and the vulnerable are discarded by society. As Elizabeth becomes entangled in the sinister operations of The Foundation, a facility offering end-of-life care, she must rely on her caregiver, Diana, to protect her from those who would harm her for their own gain. With corruption, greed, and murder looming, Elizabeth's survival depends on uncovering the truth about the dark secrets within the compound.

Author Patrick Barrins has a knack for creating a mood that leaps off the page right from the start of this highly engaging novel. We immediately find ourselves in a chilling and immersive dystopian world that captivates readers with its dark, thought-provoking themes, and the author’s ability to weave suspense and mystery into every shadowy corner keeps readers on edge, just as eager to uncover the truth behind The Foundation as the protagonists are. Barrins’s complex character dynamics are varied and heartfelt, with strong dialogue choices that tell us everything we need to know about Elizabeth’s emotional state without ever spoon-feeding us. The novel’s exploration of moral dilemmas and the value of life tackled profound ethical questions within a truly gripping narrative, and I felt these delicate subjects were never gimmicky and always handled with gravitas. Overall, The Foundation: An Innocents Story is a highly recommended read for fans of intricately penned mysteries and atmospheric, emotional dramas.