The Fox and the Election Fraud

Francis the Fox #5

Children - Adventure
46 Pages
Reviewed on 10/05/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Bruce Arrington for Readers' Favorite

The Fox and the Election Fraud by Tuula Pere is book 5 in a series of tales about Francis who never seems to learn his lessons about life. Always a schemer, always thinking about how he can get ahead without thinking about anyone else, Francis is in for another disastrous adventure. But now, he simply feels sorry for himself for what everyone else did to him. And he plans revenge. If he can win a mayoral election, that will make him popular again. So what if he doesn’t have money, honest employees, or a desire to serve others? Once he is elected mayor, everything will be so much better for him. But when he realizes his chances of winning are rapidly going to zero, he hatches a plan that will guarantee his victory. Or will it?

Election fraud has been around as long as there have been elections. Security measures help to prevent wrong outcomes, but in this story, Francis goes to the extreme to win. Nothing else matters. Only winning is important and his nefarious plans end up exploding in his face and threaten his future. The story illustrates the dangers of winning at all costs, allowing young readers to think about that which is important in life. Is the small chance of winning worth it if I lose my reputation, my friends, or even my freedom? Tuula Pere skillfully uses The Fox and the Election Fraud to teach important lessons about fairness, honesty, and integrity. Highly recommended.

Courtnee Turner Hoyle

The Fox and the Election Fraud is the fifth book in the Francis the Fox Series by Tuula Pere. Francis failed in his attempts to show his skills as a builder, deputy mayor, and influencer. Overcome by debt, he runs for public office, prompting his unsavory past associates to help him with his venture. His opponent and past mentor William Wolfe is the existing mayor, but Francis has no problem gathering support with empty promises to even his chances at the polls. With fireworks and trash talk, the fox campaigns until he can hardly stand. His campaign manager, Flurry, sees his declining popularity and puts a plan into motion. As the votes stream in, Francis worries he's lost, so he decides to tamper with the votes so he can win the election.

Tuula Pere always captures the best and worst in her characters, offering lessons that may help shape a young reader's perspective. Francis has been in many shady dealings, but the town members have usually allowed his cunning antics to slide. Election fraud is a serious crime and could result in jail time, but the fox is only concerned about gaining victory over his opponent. Readers will learn the repercussions of Francis's actions, and the story could prompt discussions about political and personal ethics. Readers who have followed Francis through all five books have watched his stunts and may hope to see him get his comeuppance. The amusing story and brilliant illustrations by Andrea Alemanno will keep readers turning pages throughout The Fox and the Election Fraud.

Anne-Marie Reynolds

The Fox and the Election Fraud by Tuula Pere is another story in the Francis the Fox series. Once again, Francis and the mayor have fallen out. Francis can’t accept that he is a failure, that he’s left with nothing to show for all his work. Instead, he comes up with yet another scheme – he’s going to run against Mayor William the Wolf in the next election. Sure, the mayor has plenty of support, but Francis won’t let anything get in his way. His campaign gets off to a good start but it’s not enough for Francis, so he decides to interfere in the vote-counting process. But there’s a surprise in store for everyone. Can Francis win this election fairly or will he finally commit the crime that lands him in prison?

I love the Francis the Fox series by Tuula Pere, and her latest addition, The Fox and the Election Fraud, is another excellent story with stunning illustrations by Andrea Alemanno. Again, Tuula has written a fun story that also carries a serious message – cheating gets you nowhere. This story teaches children that interfering in situations to make things go their way doesn’t actually get them anywhere and could potentially get them into trouble. This story brings back many of the favorite characters from the previous stories and introduces a few new ones, too. Animal characters they may be, but each has some trait that kids can relate to, and they are all likable – even the naughty Francis. A highly enjoyable addition to the series and recommended for all kids.

Pikasho Deka

The Fox and the Election Fraud is the fifth book in the Francis the Fox children's picture book series by Tuula Pere. Francis the Fox is back and up to no good once again. Ridden with debts, fines, and bills, Francis decides to make a comeback in the public arena by running for office in the upcoming mayoral election. His opponent, William the Wolf, who some time ago thought of Francis as his protégé, is not too happy when Francis launches a smear campaign against him. With the help of his assistant Flurry and his media channel, Francis spreads his lies about William. But when he sees that his tactics don't bear fruit, Francis orders his coyotes to steal the ballots on Election Day so William's votes don't count. Will he get away with it?

The Fox and the Election Fraud is funny and informative in equal measure. Some politicians use lies, corruption, and propaganda to further their own interests and this couldn't be more transparent during the 2020 Presidential Elections in the US. This book spoofs the antics of a real-world politician who is still using the same tactics today that got him in trouble with the law in the first place. Francis the Fox uses low cunning and underhanded tactics to get the better of his opponents, and he never seems to learn from his mistakes. Tuula Pere is a very succinct writer who draws from real-world events to tell captivating stories suitable for both young and adult readers. This book is another example of her layered writing. I found the story very amusing and think other readers will feel the same!

Priya Mathew

The Fox and the Election Fraud by Tuula Pere is a children’s story that could appeal to younger readers and adults with moral undertones. This book follows Francis the Fox who wants to topple the city’s mayor William the Wolf in the upcoming election. With a group of questionable supporters, which includes Flurry, his campaign manager, Francis will do whatever it takes to win and replace Mayor William. Desperate times call for desperate measures, but will Francis win despite his shady tactics?

The Fox and the Election Fraud, the fifth book in Francis the Fox series, is written by Tuula Pere in Finnish and translated by Mirka Pohjanrinne to English. Andrea Alemanno has used a blend of cartoon and anime styles to create illustrations that bring life to the story. When I first finished reading the story I wondered if the story could be interpreted as drawing parallels from the real-world political events happening now. However, the story has a fable-like essence that could make us apply this narrative to any political system where ethical challenges arise in leadership contests. The allegorical nature of the narrative allows the reader to make multiple interpretations. The story moves at a brisk pace and is told from Francis Fox’s perspective. The main character, Francis the Fox, is portrayed as greedy and dishonest and until the end isn’t ready to take responsibility for his failures. This simple narrative explores the themes of honesty, integrity, and the consequences of corruption.