The Fox's New Channel

Francis the Fox #4

Children - Adventure
44 Pages
Reviewed on 10/03/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Foluso Falaye for Readers' Favorite

Francis the Fox's goal is to get popular, or at least, famous by broadcasting his shows from morning till night. Since he is desperate for fame, he doesn't hesitate to fabricate stories about his fellow villagers and step on toes to get his desire. Enter William the Wolf, the old mayor with a good reputation. Though William the Wolf advises him to stick to the truth because his fake stories are dividing the village, Francis the Fox chooses to follow the profitable route and tells more lies. To make matters worse, he makes William the Wolf his target and hopes to damage his reputation. The Fox's New Channel by Tuula Pere is an enlightening children's book about a ruthlessly ambitious fox and the consequences of his actions. It conveys life-shaping lessons and messages that help readers see how their actions can affect others. 

Tuula Pere's characterization skills create a very engrossing story. Francis the Fox's personality is strongly portrayed throughout the narrative. He appears to be very ambitious and relentless, though his actions are geared toward chaotic goals. He is seen working tirelessly and listening to "radio stations and TV shows on every imaginable gadget." I admired his resolve to go for his goals despite others being against them. The brilliant illustrations by Andrea Alemanno make it suitable for children. It introduces them to some mature topics, like the media, slander, ambition, the justice system, and more. All in all, The Fox's New Channel is a riveting children's book since it offers great lessons, memorable characters, and an attractively concise format. Gift it to the little ones around you to start them early on a reading path.

Ann Linus

The Fox’s New Channel by Tuula Pere is about a scheming fox who would do anything to be in the limelight and fill his bank account. To escape the lingering shame of a failed project, Francis the Fox takes refuge in his mother’s house, but he does not plan to rest. He has another grand project in mind. In no time, he purchases tons of equipment, and with Mom’s help, he starts a broadcasting channel from his home studio. The Fox’s New Channel is as controversial and messy as the media can get, and its audience grows rapidly. Soon Francis' empty bank account is full enough for him to expand to the city. With his new influence, Francis plans to take down everyone who ever stood in his path.

The Fox’s New Channel by Tuula Pere was a blend of the entertaining and the educational. While the plot and characters were unique and interesting, the story portrayed the effects of social media abuse. Francis reminded me of the clout-chasing culture on social media—anything goes if it can generate traffic—and I love that he learned a hard lesson. I was especially piqued by the subtle dynamic between Francis and his mom; Francis was a megalomaniac, but Mom passively enabled him. Although she questioned his actions, she never outrightly cautioned or rebuked him. This duo reminded me that parents have a strong influence on how their children turn out, and the best time to teach a child morals is when they are young. This interesting story has captivating images by Andrea Alemanno. I loved The Fox’s New Channel, and I highly recommend it. I look forward to reading more books in the Francis the Fox series.

Anne-Marie Reynolds

The Fox's New Channel by Tuula Pere is the fourth book in the Francis the Fox series. Francis is back. Returning home after his latest disaster, he vows he will be back with a bigger and better plan than ever before. When boxes of equipment start to arrive, his mother figures it out – Francis is building a media channel. When his new business gets off the ground, he starts raking in the money, but can things really stay this good for Francis? When he starts badmouthing William the Wolf, the old town mayor, he finds himself on the wrong side of the law. Will this finally be the end for Francis?

The Fox's New Channel is yet another wonderful story by Tuula Pere, with amazing illustrations by Andrea Alemanno. This is a lovely adventure story that all kids will love, especially if they have read the rest of the Francis the Fox series. Tuula has a fun series here. Each book is a great read with additional messages for kids to learn from. In this book, they learn that badmouthing others to make themselves look good doesn't get them anywhere but into trouble. Tuula has a way of writing that draws the young reader in, writing compelling tales that are exciting to read. You never know what might happen, and, like all the others, this one ends leaving you feeling there's more to come. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and any child who reads it will love it. Yet another one for the bookcase, sure to be read over and over again.

Pikasho Deka

The Fox's New Channel continues the misadventures of the wily fox, Francis. Written by Tuula Pere, this picture book follows Francis the Fox as he returns home after failing to build the highest tower in the city. All Francis is left with is a tall pile of unpaid bills. His mother welcomes him with love. However, when she sees that Francis is up to some new shenanigans, she can't help but disapprove of his choices. Francis starts his own media channel and launches a big marketing campaign to make it a success. But his fake news and current events programs start to cause a lot of harm. He hires the society columnist Flurry to improve his public image and maligns anyone he perceives to have done him wrong, including William the Wolf. How will the mayor react to Francis' antics?

The Fox's New Channel is a hilarious parody that satirizes how news media channels work in America and the world at large in modern times. As with Tuula Pere's other short stories, this picture book can be read by both children and adult readers. The characters are quirkier than ever, and the humor and social commentary are on point. Francis is not your typical protagonist. He is an antagonist yet very compelling to read. He is clever and very skilled in some things. But he can't help getting in his own way. The way he uses his media channel to further his own interests has striking parallels with some famous individuals in America who act the same. I loved that he got his comeuppance toward the end. All in all, this is a very enjoyable book.

Bruce Arrington

The Fox's New Channel (Francis the Fox #4), by Tuula Pere, revisits our wily Francis Fox in this book about honesty, integrity, and all those other qualities we want to instill in our kids to make them better human beings. Francis is bound and determined to get his way, no matter the cost to others. His definition of success is for him to rise above everyone else, be accountable to no one, and make lots and lots of money. His last disaster ended with building a skyscraper that collapsed because he wanted to cut corners. So to even out his humility score, he plans to solicit followers who will help him make lots of money. He develops a news channel and makes up untrue stories about others. He gains cash from his new listeners and thinks this is his path to success. But is it?

Tuula Pere takes today’s social entertainment and makes it understandable for children. It helps them to see through the deceptions and lies that constantly feed into the news media from all kinds of dubious sources. It also helps young thinkers take a moment to wonder if what they hear is true. At first glance, I thought it was appropriate for young readers of elementary age, yet as I reconsidered, I believe this book is an excellent light-hearted resource for middle school and even high school students. It illustrates how damaging lies can be, not just to oneself, but to society at large, and if left unchecked, can throw entire communities into chaos. The Fox's New Channel, by Tuula Pere, is a brilliant book on life lessons and comes highly recommended.