The Girl from Jersey City

Fiction - Realistic
243 Pages
Reviewed on 05/24/2024
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Author Biography

Zan Alex Austin is a Los Angeles-based teacher and novelist. End Man, a technothriller, was published in October 2022 by Cursed Dragon Ship. Nakamura Reality was published by The Permanent Press in 2016. Publishers Weekly gave the novel a starred review and called the writing, “powerful and moving.”

    Book Review

Reviewed by Gaius Konstantine for Readers' Favorite

"When you do something, things are so that you would not have done them any other way." And more importantly, when you do something, it often cannot be undone. That's life; a series of choices. The Girl From Jersey City by Zan A. Austin is a novel about one young teen's choices as he navigates his harsh reality. Paul is barely 18 years old, and while he is an intelligent and thoughtful kid, he lives in poverty and is involved in petty crime. Ashamed of his existence, Paul spins a web of lies to impress Laura, a girl he's smitten with. Now Paul is on the verge of another choice; does he walk away from being a hoodlum, or does he graduate to being a fully-fledged criminal? With Laura as motivation, Paul must come to grips with the fact that there are risks associated with crime, and getting caught may be the least of them.

If I had to endorse a contemporary novel as an example of a masterful tale, The Girl From Jersey City by Zan A. Austin would be an ideal candidate for what a well-written story looks like. The plot focuses heavily on the pivotal point in life when a young man's decisions will affect him forever, and the protagonist's inner struggles are on full display. The immersion is outstanding, and the backdrop of the story is meticulously fleshed out, comparable to a work of art. If that were not enough, the character development is executed precisely with the skill of a surgeon. It all comes together with a perfectly balanced pace, making The Girl From Jersey City an absolute recommendation. Overall, it's a beautiful tale that will delight fans of all ages and genres.