The Gist of Bid Whist

The Culturally-Rich Card Game from Black America

Non-Fiction - Hobby
256 Pages
Reviewed on 07/30/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

In The Gist of Bid Whist, Lamont Jones offers a comprehensive overview of the card game Bid Whist, detailing its fundamental rules, including the Lead Suit Law, Follow Suit Law, and Trump Suit Law. He explains the game's distinctive aspects, such as the auction for the trump suit, the "Knockout Factor," and the use of the "Kitty" to enhance players' hands. Jones discusses strategic elements, drawing on advanced techniques learned from Butler Sharpe and likening novice and experienced players to beginners and seasoned boxers. He shares personal experiences, including a tournament with his daughter Aliya, and leans into strategies for no-trump contracts and bidding mechanics. Adding historical context to the game, Jones speaks on Bid Whist's significance in social and civil rights contexts, noting its role in initiatives led by A. Philip Randolph and others throughout the game's history.

Lamont Jones excels in breaking down complex game mechanics into understandable and manageable parts in The Gist of Bid Whist, making it accessible even to those, such as myself, who are unfamiliar with the game. Jones is a Bid Whist enthusiast with a depth of knowledge that genuinely transcends the page. His research is exhaustive and the work includes a shared appreciation for the game by some of history's greatest artists, academics, and leaders. Jones points out that Edgar Allen Poe himself stated that Whist is a “calculating power, and men of the highest order of intellect” take delight in it. The writing is straightforward and conversational and I often felt like I was sitting down and chatting with a friend, which is the reason why Jones is so effective in teaching his readers. He deals out humor that adds a touch of levity to the narrative, making us all smile while also educating with playful elements. Overall, this is a wonderful book that will no doubt resonate with players and players-in-waiting alike.