The Governing Class

Fiction - Thriller - General
383 Pages
Reviewed on 10/17/2015
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Author Biography

I'm a forty something former musician turned business geek, who after spending a few years riding a desk for a huge technology company, decided that I missed the low pay, lack of stability and damaged self-esteem a person gets from working in the entertainment industry. Then something went terribly wrong. I became V.P. of the largest full service Film & Television studio in the SoCal region. We have produced thousands of hours of content for television and over a dozen feature films. Some you might actually have even heard of. Recently, I decided to pursue a passion from my early years; Writing. Feel free to look around or drop me a line. Peace.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Ray Simmons for Readers' Favorite

In The Governing Class by Eric Jon Kiser, Bill Sanders is our first “good-guy.” A young idealistic American who has risen to head the world’s largest non-profit environmental advocacy group, GreenPlanet International. Bill is smart, likable and working hard to make Earth a better place for us and future generations. When Bill finds evidence of what looks like a government conspiracy concerning climate change, he turns to our next hero, War Pig, a real warrior in the environmental trenches who realizes that this whole thing is much deeper and more important than the fudging of some environmental data. Eric Jon Kiser lays the story out beautifully as we race from the White House and the corridors of power to seedy motels and underground bunkers.

Wow! Where do I start? First, without any reservations whatsoever, The Governing Class by Eric Jon Kiser is a great, eye opening political thriller. I personally think it should be read by every American, not only for fun but for the information about our political system and history. Especially in this period before the next Presidential election. Seeing The Governing Class atop any well-known bestseller list would be a comfort. Not only because it’s a good novel and deserves to be there, but also because of the interesting knowledge, research, and great effort involved. Eric Jon Kiser is a great writer and he has come up with a conspiracy that makes so much sense and is so frightening that it will leave a lot of American readers very uneasy and wanting to learn more.