The Great Oak Joke

Children - Picture Book
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 01/06/2015
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jackie Timmons for Readers' Favorite

The Great Oak Joke by Jenn Ashton is a delightful, colorful story. A set of twins wakes up from a delicious shared dream where they enjoyed a picnic under an oak tree. Animals of all sorts shared in the feast, from a small squirrel to a great elk and a chomping alligator to buzzing bees. As you can imagine, the picnic quickly became messy. One misplaced spoon resulted in food flying everywhere and covering every surface. Squash, spaghetti, honey, and popcorn made for quite a sticky, slimy, and silly food fight. Fortunately, the dream ends with a very fizzy surprise that leaves the twins giggling so hard they wake themselves up.

I really enjoyed reading this story. The rhythm and rhyme that Jenn Ashton writes with made it a fun and easy read. The book is very silly and tells a complete story which I really appreciate in a children’s book because it makes it interesting for me to read as an adult. And I can affirm that children will love this book too. I have read it with my two-year-old several times and she stayed interested throughout and giggled at the silly rhymes and pictures. The illustrations by Eidvile Buozyte are bright, colorful and full of action. We had a lot of fun identifying the different animals on each page. All the bright greens and yellows that were used were very eye catching and vibrant. I think a child of any age would get a kick out of hearing the story of The Great Oak Joke!