The Handler's Gambit

Saxen Saga, Book 1

Fiction - Audiobook
Audio Book
Reviewed on 07/11/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Olga Markova for Readers' Favorite

The Handler’s Gambit: Saxen Saga Book 1 by Ingrid Moon is an awesome space opera fantasy. Only three years previously, Turner Boone was playing demanding strategy game simulations to earn his graduation from the Coalition Academy in an oppressive corner of the galaxy. But having joined General Greming’s crew, eighteen-year-old Boone is now a Commander leading a fleet of warships for Vindik, a tyrant warlord obsessed with securing his dominion in the galaxy’s Penumbra Quadrant, ruthlessly destroying everything in his path. Vindik’s crew members feel trapped by Vindik’s toxicity and disapprove of his destructive orders. If that were not enough, Boone having saved Vindik’s life and minimized damage to the fleet earns him the assignment to train Vindik’s secret weapon, Elyon, a fiery and unruly Saxen girl with paranormal capabilities. But will Boone succeed?

Ingrid Moon’s The Handler’s Gambit hasn't a single dull moment. I liked how Elyon’s character, capabilities, and relationship with Boone evolved amidst the challenges they were facing. The atmospheric descriptions of the space warships and battles and Elyon’s combat stunts were breathtaking and made me feel like I was watching a film. I also liked the well-measured, dark, and subtle humor that highlighted the differences between Elyon’s stunts and Boone’s expectations. Elyon is now one of my favorite characters. The ending left me wishing for more and looking forward to the already-published sequel. But what I loved most about this astounding fantasy was its moral: species from different planets can live in peace and harmony, regardless of their apparent and hidden differences.

The audio version of this brilliant fantasy is one of the best I have listened to recently. Talented Scott Allen has excelled in bringing this story to life with his professional voice acting. Scott’s narration was well-paced, and every character had a unique, distinct voice and personality. The production quality and the pace of the narration were flawless too. I highly recommend this astounding work to fantasy and sci-fi fans who enjoy cosmic battles. Episodes of violence, torture, and gore may deter sensitive readers.