The Hat Diaries

Discover the Portal

Young Adult - Action
268 Pages
Reviewed on 07/19/2024
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Author Biography

Nadine Haruni is the award-winning author of The Hat Diaries™ fantasy adventure series and the Freeda the Frog™ children’s book series.

THE HAT DIARIES The Secret Life of Ryan Rigbee is the first book in The Hat Diaries™ trilogy. The Hat Diaries™ collection is written for teens and adults, expanding readers’ imaginations as they enter Ryan’s secret world. Stay tuned for release date information for the second book in the series, THE HAT DIARIES Discover the Portal.

The Freeda the Frog™ books focus on acceptance for every type of family and comfort children as they experience real-life situations.

Nadine frequently does author events, radio & TV interviews, and podcasts. She is also a practicing attorney, certified yoga instructor, and the proud mother of a blended family of five children. More information, including release dates for the rest of the trilogy, can be found on, and you can follow her on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube @nadineharunibooks.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

The Hat Diaries: Discover the Portal by Nadine Haruni is the second book in the Hat Diaries series. Ryan Rigbee and Shadow are back with new adventures, with bullfighting in Spain, space in 1969, the Eiffel Tower, and much more. His mentor Merlo introduces Ryan to a magic portal, taking their adventures up a notch but they can only stay in each adventure for one hour before they must return. Merlo is furious when he discovers that Ryan has told his girlfriend about the adventures and taken her on some with him – Merlo should have been there to watch the timer. But one adventure goes horribly wrong when Ryan and Shadow don’t make it back through the portal in time. Can Violet and Merlo rescue them? And who is Merlo to Ryan?

The Hat Diaries: Discover the Portal by Nadine Haruni is a fantastic sequel to the first book, with just as much action and adventure. Our main protagonist, Ryan, learns a lot of valuable lessons in this book, and he begins to discover something about his family’s past, not least of which is learning exactly who Merlo is. This is a fun book and although it is aimed at younger readers, it’s the perfect way for adults to escape real life, too. Nadine builds on the character development from the first book, introducing us to more details about the main characters, and we learn more about their backstories. This is an action-packed story, much like the first one, and every page brings new adventures and delights. The book ends on another cliffhanger, which I hope means there’s a third book coming. A thoroughly enjoyable story, and highly recommended to any reader, no matter their age.