The Hero Rule

Is It Justice...Or Murder? An Authentic Crime Mystery Legal Thriller.

Fiction - Mystery - Murder
360 Pages
Reviewed on 04/09/2023
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Keith Mbuya for Readers' Favorite

The news about former prosecutor-turned-defense attorney Duncan Pheiffer’s demise surprises everyone in Towne County, Alabama. Duncan’s truck has been found ablaze with his dead body inside. Everything about the case points to homicide. Towne County’s Assistant District Attorney Barclay Griffith knows he must seek justice for his slain best friend. Before his death, Duncan had lost a case defending Charlie Calvin Clements, his client, against serious murder charges. While Duncan has worked on many cases, Barclay believes Clements’ case concerns Duncan’s murder. Alongside Towne PD’s hawk-eyed detective Wayne Drummond, Barclay is determined to get to the bottom and discover Duncan’s murderer. Get yourself Brandon Hughes’ The Hero Rule to know more.

Brandon Hughes’ The Hero Rule is just what lovers of whodunit murder mystery novels laced with a gripping tale of courtroom action, office politics, unsparing jurors, fierce attorneys, hounding sleuths, the innocent, the guilty, murder, and so much more should be looking for. Hughes hatches an intriguing plot featuring a well-crafted authentic, and exciting cast. He insightfully unfolds the storyline, yet at the same time kept me on edge with a subtle tone. He brings the small town of Towne to life with vivid depictions. I found myself at the district attorney’s office eagerly waiting for the winner of the ensuing battle of wits. Or I would be in the courtroom keenly following the cutting-edge entertainment proceedings. Better yet, I would be in the field watching Towne PD’s detectives assemble this huge mystery's puzzle pieces. There is suspense, thrill, wit, and so much more in this magnificent piece of work. I loved The Hero Rule.

Mike Reynolds

Great read- John Grissom couldn't have done better!