The Historian

Fiction - Thriller - General
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 11/03/2009
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

The Historian is a tale that spans the centuries. Each generation seems to be searching for Drakulya. Each generation has one person that is the Historian. A professor disappears and one of his assistants goes searching for him.

This book is listed as a thriller. It didn’t thrill me. I struggled to finish it. To me the first half was boring. However, the second half was much better. The book had an eerie quality. It was read in a quiet voice. The action was slow. There are a lot of descriptions. This is not a bad book it just isn’t the fast action thriller that I prefer. Neither is this a book of romance. The gist of the story is the search for the one and only Drakulya (Prince Vlad Tepes).

It is obvious that Elizabeth Kostova has well researched the Drakulya myths. She takes a different approach to this topic than most authors. She does not use blood and gore to draw readers in. She uses lots of descriptions and a slow pace to weave in legends, myths and truths. This is not a short book. At over seven hundred pages it tends to bog down. This book would probably make a bunch of money if turned into a movie. I can see the vampire fans lining up for opening day.