The Hornbrook Prophecy

Fiction - Thriller - General
360 Pages
Reviewed on 09/29/2010
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Ellen Hogan for Readers' Favorite

This book deals with power hungry politicians and how one lone Senator tried to speak out against what he saw happening. The President wanted to be a god and looked up to by everyone. He liked his job and getting paid for not really doing all that much, until he decided to bankrupt the country. Henly Hornbrook saw what was happening and tried to get his fellow Congressmen to listen to the voice of reason and vote against the President's bill. They did not listen and the country was thrown into chaos.

I was not sure that when I started reading this book that I would like it. By the time I finished, I loved it. The whole story line is so believable in today's society that it's kind of scary. All through the book I was rooting for Senator Hornbrook and his people. Now, I can imagine what would happen if our country ever does go bankrupt, it was laid out very well in this story. I would definitely read another book by Mr. Wickes because he kept me engrossed through the entire book. There are characters that you can't help but cheer on and there are others that you just can't like. That's what makes an interesting read. I would highly recommend this book and hope that after it's read the reader will enjoy it as much as I did.