The Indigo Journals

Spiritual Healing For Indigo Adults & Other Feminine Souls

Non-Fiction - Spiritual/Supernatural
504 Pages
Reviewed on 10/27/2015
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Author Biography

Yol Swan is a spiritual counselor and coach who has taken the understanding of the soul and the wounded Feminine to new cosmic depths. A modern seer who perceives life as energy, and often feeling like 'a stranger in a strange land,' Yol was drawn to psychoanalysis in her early 20s, which became a springboard into the spiritual exploration of Consciousness during a 3-year retreat in almost complete isolation.

She was initiated as a Buddhist nun by a liberated monk from Thailand and later into a path of meditation and mantra under the personal guidance of enlightened Hindu teachers. With a solid spiritual foundation, she now empowers clients around the world to live a soul-guided life. Her book The Indigo Journals, a 2016 Readers' Favorite Book Awards Finalist, is a must-read for sensitive, creative and empathetic people awakening to their true nature.

To learn more about her visit: <a href="" target="_blank"></a> or <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Kathryn Bennett for Readers' Favorite

The Indigo Journals: Spiritual Healing For Indigo Adults & Other Feminine Souls by Yol Swan is laid out as a guide for those people who are sensible, emphatic and creative. It can be hard for those people who are different and often they feel disconnected from the world because it doesn't make sense. The book sets out to help readers awaken their true nature and to break away from codependency; it will also help you to use the natural gifts you have been given and find your true purpose in life.

Whether you are an Indigo or not, everyone and especially every woman needs to take a look at this book. Yol starts the teachings of this book with personal information about what has happened in her life and how she came to be where she is now before diving into the tools that everyone needs in order to understand themselves better. I truly feel this book is a revelation to those who need to understand the feminine soul. The detail and way that everything is explained is refreshing and eye opening. Not only that, but it is put in such a way that even those who are not very spiritual can at least have a basic understanding. I have a few people in my life who may benefit from reading this book so they can understand me a little better. This has been better put than anything I could ever say on the topic. I recommend this read highly.

Mamta Madhavan

The Indigo Journals: Spiritual Healing for Indigo Adults & Other Feminine Souls by Yol Swan is an uplifting book of personal journey to self-discovery and healing from that of being a super-sensitive, awkward and flawed human being to that of independence and intuitive wisdom. The author’s experiences led her to dive deeper into herself and will motivate readers to do the same. The gradual empowerment, along with putting together the missing pieces of life's puzzle, awakens readers to discover their true purpose in life and also helps to balance the Masculine and the Feminine with ease. The greats insights and tools offered to transform one’s life help one understand their cosmic nature and discover their true power.

The book is personal and the author explains and describes in detail about the ‘feminine soul.’ The author’s words give clarity and support one’s spiritual journey as a receptive and creative soul. The book discusses Indigo soul types and the author also unravels the patterns of co-dependency and disempowerment shared by feminine souls for many years. The main features of feminine and indigo souls given in the book are helpful in recognizing and accepting oneself. As the book progresses, readers are taught how to unleash their inner power through awareness, self-discipline, and intuitive wisdom to live a life guided by the soul.

The author handles a complex topic with great clarity and simplicity, making it easy for readers to understand. The fact that once one uncovers and aligns with their soul’s path everything flows with more grace is indeed very uplifting and inspirational.

Faridah Nassozi

Indigos are known to posses special traits that transcend age, gender or race. There is an increasing amount of literature about Indigo children but it is hard to find the same on Indigo adults. In her book titled The Indigo Journals: Spiritual Healing For Indigo Adults & Other Feminine Souls, Yol Swan attempts to fill this void by shedding some much needed light on who Indigo adults are, and what life is like for Indigos in this realm where they are greatly misunderstood. An Indigo adult herself, Yol Swan uses her personal journey and the hurdles she has had to overcome to help other struggling Indigos find their right footing and purpose. She also puts into clear perspective the concepts of feminine versus masculine souls and Indigo souls versus other feminine souls. Her journey is one of personal struggle, spiritual growth, enlightenment and healing.

The Indigo Journals: Spiritual Healing For Indigo Adults & Other Feminine Souls by Yol Swan is a deeply compelling and insightful read. Through her excellent writing, Yol Swan made this rather complex topic easier to grasp. For all Indigos who are forever struggling to fit in, you are not alone; most importantly, just because the rest of the world does not feel or see things the way you do does not mean that there is something wrong with you. What you have instead is a divine gift and once you understand, accept, and learn to manage it, you will be at peace with yourself and with the world. The Indigo Journals is a truly honorable work dedicated to aiding other Indigos along their own journeys to enlightenment and healing. Although it is mainly about Indigos, the book is a must-read for all feminine souls that are still in distress and for others who are simply seeking to understand them.

Yol Swan

I agree that every woman should read this book, even if they haven't heard of "Indigos" before or don't consider themselves one, because this book is for all feminine souls out there, in both male and female bodies. Understanding the essential differences between the many soul types inhabiting the Earth will give you a clearer picture of yourself and others.

The book is based on the Indigo archetype because, if well integrated, it represents a healthy balance of Feminine and Masculine to help you navigate and harmonize an overly masculine world. It provides deep insights and a variety of tools to help you feel more centered and at peace, and discover your life and soul purpose. More importantly, it guides you step-by-step to embrace who you really are and harness your inherent creative power to shape the life YOU want.


A book that everyone should read at least once in their lives, whether it is to understand themselves or others.

As someone who is an "Indigo", I felt truly understood and that I belonged for the first time in my life. It was a real awakening for me because I always thought that I was destined to be one of life's "misfits", someone who seemed to constantly get it wrong and who was always misunderstood by her family and friends. The fact that, through this enlightening book it was explained that you are not a freak but rather a beautiful individual who simply needs to learn how to master herself literally moved me to tears!

This book has taught me so much and I am looking forward to my journey to overcoming my low self-esteem and depression. I know that this journey will lead me to enlightenment in this confusing world.

I cannot recommend The Indigo Journals enough!

Leslie H

I consider myself to be quite a spiritual person so I'm always on the look out for new ways of perceiving life and the world we live in. The concept of Indigo adults was entirely new to me but I found, upon reading this book, that I could relate to much of what the author was saying particularly with regard to my relationships with others.

The book opens with the author's autobiography which I found very interesting and touching to read; it was nice to compare her experiences to those in my own life.She then went on to discuss the concept of Indigo adults and the challenges they can face. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who struggles to make sense of their life and interactions with others. It is both comforting and enlightening.


Finally a book for me!

I just got to know of this concept as I was never the spiritually sensitive type as a result of the environment I grew up in, but I knew something was painfully different about me. Am glad I got to know from the best. Yol Swan really did a perfect job in this book. Only she has the ability to make a student a master within minutes in her carefully laid out expository book.

I was almost always alone in school, disliked authority, was a rebel, just was off. My case is a little worse than most as I just got to know of Indigo personalities from Yol Swan. So grateful to the friend that recommended it, and to Yol Swan.

This is for the "strange" ones. Those who are seeking to know why they are so different, so off from normal. For anyone feeling left out, alone, odd or even like a square peg in a round hole, I highly recommend The Indigo Journals. it will help you understand yourself, and also teach you how to master it.

This indigo adult concept is not just poetry as it can be devastating and suicidal. Yol's Book is a life-line! So I highly recommend it to everyone, not just the Indigo souls but everyone. This will help you in relating to people instead of outrightly judging them.

Happy reading everybody. I know you'll enjoy it like i did!

A Cosmik Seeker

All I have to say is WOW! I don't think being an Indigo or a "feminine soul" has been described and explained in such detail before. This is not a book you'll read and forget about, I'll probably read it again and again to remind myself how powerful I really am and how important it is to take charge of my life if I want to stop struggling. I'm doing some of the meditations and exercises from the book and already feel more centered and clear.

The first part is the author's story and spiritual path, which I found quite fascinating, and how her experiences helped her discover that she was an Indigo adult and what it means in the context of a messed up world. Although my life is different and seems boring in comparison, I can totally relate to how she felt in her relationships, her search for a sense of purpose and the desire to understand human nature. Her autobiography/memoir was very enjoyable.

The second part of the book is much more substantial in that she offers great insights and tools to help anyone feel more in tune with themselves and learn to live a meaningful life. The author presents complex concepts in a clear manner without over simplifying, like many new spiritual books do. She addresses issues related to feminine souls and the wounded feminine on the planet with a compassionate process to heal and integrate both the feminine and masculine in each one of us to be more aligned with the universe. I didn't know that Indigos were either introvert or extrovert feminine souls or that there were many more feminine and masculine soul types out there. Seeing things from a spiritual, interactive feminine-masculine/inner-outer/yin-yang perspective makes so much sense!

I think everyone should read this book to understand why there is so much suffering and injustice in this world and what to do about it with our innate creative energy. Her memories of 5th-dimension in Atlantis, the soul spectrum she discovered, and her energy management methods to create an unique yet empowered life are priceless and will help you see yourself and others in a completely new light. Plus, the last chapter is a step-by-step process to discover your purpose that could be an ebook in itself, but the author wants us to break our codependency and remove our barriers first with the insights and tools provided throughout the book.

This book has a lot to offer anyone dealing with self-doubt, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, confusion about their place and purpose here (according to the author all sensitive, feminine souls feel this way nowadays), but it's much more than a typical self-help book. This is a blend of psychology, spiritual philosophy and practical tools to explore what truly makes each of us unique and what our spiritual function is within the cosmic cycles of the Universe. Our evolution starts by understanding our spiritual nature and how we unconsciously create our reality with the energy from past lives reactivated in childhood, and we can move forward as we consciously accept and integrate the past to transform our self-perception.

Information is power and if you want to really understand who you are and how you can change things to stop suffering, then this book is a must-read. But don't expect a simplified, quick-fix formula here. It's a profound reflection on the nature of life, consciousness, and the soul. I highly recommend it to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of themselves and their environment!

CS Wolley

There are so many books out there that deal with the feminine soul or discovering your inner goddess that it can be very difficult to find a book that not only brings a new perspective to the genre, but also adds a refreshing twist to spirituality.

This book I conveniently split into two parts, which make it easy to digest and works for the layout – starting with the author’s own experiences and journey on their spiritual path, then moving onto the second part of the book that is filled with tools and insight that are designed to help women develop their own spirituality.

The first part of the book is one of the reasons that this tome is so useful – the experiences of the author are not only chronicled, but are written in a way that makes the experiences easy to understand and even relate to. There are things that happen that are different from one person’s life to the next but that share a semblance of similarity.

The second part of the book is ideal for those who are more practical about exploring the spiritual path. The tools and insight will not all apply to every person in every situation, but the layout allows readers to make the judgement for themselves as to what to use and when.

The title “Indigo Journals” refers to the types of souls or “Indigos” that are introverted or extroverted as well as variations of masculine and feminine soul types, not fixed but interactive and offering a unique viewpoint that isn’t utilised in any other spiritual book I’ve read.

A lot of spiritualist books also gloss over the problems of everyday life that women struggle with and present an easy answer to every problem, that are often disappointing. The Indigo Journals is very different. Not only acknowledging that problems such as low self-esteem, anxiety, confusion, self-doubt and depression all exist, but their place within our lives, how these forces can be destructive and how they can be used to build a positive.

This book promote acceptance and the processing of pain and emotion, not trying to forget it or simply stick something over it to make it go away in the short term. This book recognises where personal growth begins and how much of an impact that things such as childhood can have on development and spirituality.

What is most interesting about this book is that, unlike other spiritualist books, it isn’t generalised to fit for the mainstream readers of the genre. Instead it is much more finely tuned and has the ability to speak to those that feel like they have been abandoned by society, that they don’t fit in with the expectations that have been placed upon their shoulders and are looking to be nothing, save for true to themselves.

It is not a book that will tell you how you can instantly be free of past chains that are dragged you down, or how you can be instantly pulled out of a depression that stems back to loss in childhood. This book doesn’t deal in short term solutions; it is a book about transforming your life and your soul completely.

There is a wide range of women that will find this book extremely helpful and insightful; it speaks to a generation not from a point of preaching, but through experience and discovery. Whether women choose to follow the same path or are inspired to follow their own path, this is a book that could prove to be invaluable to the spiritual journey of many.

Vanessa Kings

Some time ago, I read about Indigo Adults and Crystal Children and felt very much identified with them.
As author Yol Swan describes in "The Indigo Journals: Spiritual Healing For Indigo Adults & Other Feminine Souls" many of us have felt out of place since early childhood. Sensing an obvious truth that others struggle to understand, it is not uncommon that many behaviors and beliefs are misinterpreted, and consequently suppressed, either by society or even by ourselves in an effort to "fit in".

Although "The Indigo Journals" is focused on Indigos, it takes an in-depth look at the feminine soul and how to embrace it, as well as balancing it with the masculine.
So, if you think that you may be an Indigo or even if you are not, this book provides useful guides towards spiritual growth and understanding yourself in a new light.

I thoroughly enjoyed the read and it is a book to which I will surely return often for guidance.


There is honestly so much you can get out of this book, and if you're an Indigo, you will definitely find this book to be helpful and empowering. I really enjoyed reading the author's story (which made up part 1). She was down to earth, honest, and it made me realize, "hey, I'm not alone in this." Her story and writing flowed well and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I think Part 2 has more of the "self help" component. While the author offers a TON of information in this part, none of it was redundant or used as a sort of "filler material", as I find in some self-help books (particularly when the author just lists example after example and repeat their points again and again with no actual substance or content). Both parts really come together to help you better understand yourself, to feel empowerment, to build better relationships--and so much more. I highly recommend this book to all.