The Inner Society

The Inner Society Trilogy

Christian - Fiction
334 Pages
Reviewed on 02/11/2015
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Lisa McCombs for Readers' Favorite

“Better to sacrifice a loser who is going nowhere in life than people who are going to make something of themselves and actually contribute to society.” It is challenging enough to be the “new girl,” but when Maggie is forced into a situation where this is the common standard of belief, her differences mark her as an immediate outcast and her “newness” represents an unheard of danger. Her uncle needs her to attend the upscale high school of Norfolk where she neither fits in nor is wanted. Her clothes are less than mediocre and her lifestyle is one that none of the wealthy families understand or tolerate. At least she has Jessica, her one and only friend who shares with her the rules for survival. Unfortunately, Maggie is not one to conform for conformity's sake and she rebels against the expectations of students and administrators. They couldn't possibly know or understand the terrors that plague her home life and that have forced her to behave as she does.

In this oddly realistic young adult thriller, author Melinda Bohannon weaves a horrifying portrayal of the downfall of our society. The Inner Society reflects the human compulsion for materialism that drives otherwise well-meaning individuals to promote evil and intolerance. The inclusion of a church youth group pulls the story toward society's desire to live in a godly world amongst those who oppose this existence. I appreciate Bohannon's recognition of the spiritual existence of teens in our world.