The Jefferson Key

A Novel

Fiction - Thriller - General
480 Pages
Reviewed on 05/13/2011
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Fran L. for Readers' Favorite

Four Presidential assassinations linking back to this government group. Lincoln, Jackson, McKinley, Kennedy and our fictional President Danny Daniels. Steve Berry envelops the reader from page one as he recounts the events in detail of the attempt of Jackson’s life and then fast forwards to the present where we meet our main character former Justice Department Field Operative, Cotton Malone. How does this all link together? Cotton Malone is not one to ignore a summons from Stephanie Nelle. Smart, astute and normally careful before venturing into potentially dangerous situations. Receiving an email from her to come to New York seemed, odd. Answering the call Cotton winds up in the middle of an attempt on the President’s life. Following her instructions he enters room 615 to find a rocket launcher set with remote control. The end result wreaks havoc on the Presidential motorcade. As the person who set this whole plan in motion sits back and watches. Just who are the other players in this devious plot? The Commonwealth is compromised of many different people. They have their own agenda and a link to the attempt on the President’s life. At the core of this: Documents related to the Commonwealth, which have been seized by the IRS. Pirates, privateers exempt from punishment and protected by the Constitution and the letters of marque. One President who eliminated As all of the players come together and the cards are spread out on the table, the cipher or code solved, which agency will prevail? Will they bring down the Commonwealth? Who survives this master plan? As the whereabouts of the code is revealed and Malone, Wyatt and many others come together, who will uncover the true meaning of the letters and symbols? What is Jefferson’s real role in all of this? How will it play out? Why did Carbonell want Nelle dead? Why did they kidnap her?

Steve Berry created a plot replete with historical facts some true and some fiction. The answers found in his writer’s note at the end of this book. Characters that are vividly portrayed and plot so well developed and crafted it keeps the reader focused and enveloped from start to finish. Allowing the reader to hear the inner most thoughts, conversations of those involved adds to the mystery and sparks your interest in finding out the solution. History revisited. Events in the past recounted. Which facts are true and which came from the author’s imagination? Read this outstanding novel and the writer’s notes and find out for yourself. Set ups, lies, cover ups, agencies battling for control to uncover a 175 year old mystery. What is the President’s real reason for wanting to find Stephanie and what part does his wife play in what happens? An ending that is explosive and the results you won’t believe. Some questions answered and others left for another time. Steve Berry if definitely the master of mystery, suspense and intrigue.