The Journey

The Underground Book Readers Book 5

Children - Christian
191 Pages
Reviewed on 08/05/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Doreen Chombu for Readers' Favorite

In The Journey by Terry Overton, the Underground Book Readers face mounting challenges as they escape the oppressive control of the World Force. They navigate the treacherous landscape of a dystopian Virginia while being pursued by soldiers and military machinery. Joined by Charlie's grandmother and Howard, a defected Force soldier, the group is determined to reach free land, clinging to their faith and the hope that knowledge—the books they cherish—will ultimately lead them to safety and freedom. As they traverse the land, they meet new allies, learn about their loved ones who left clues in their path, and acquire survival skills. The children confront external threats and grapple with their fears and the profound loss they have experienced, making their quest a poignant exploration of resilience, friendship, and the enduring power of belief.

The Journey is the fifth book in The Underground Book Readers series. It depicts a world where adults are taken away from the kids, Christianity is suppressed, and books are prohibited. Terry Overton does a great job of introducing the characters, making it easy for readers who have never read the previous books to follow the story. Readers will walk The Journey alongside the courageous young protagonists, experiencing their struggles and triumphs as they fight against a regime that stifles faith and intellectual freedom. The narrative intricately weaves themes of hope, friendship, and the transformative power of literature, compelling readers to reflect on the importance of knowledge and community in overcoming adversity. Each character has a unique personality, and I couldn't help rooting for them. The children's fascination whenever they learn about things of old, like libraries, a healthy breakfast, or family, is heartwarming and makes you appreciate the things we take for granted. This is great work, and I hope to read more from this author and series.