The Joy of Musicology

Unleashing The Magical Symphony for All

Non-Fiction - Music/Entertainment
375 Pages
Reviewed on 05/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Randy B. Lichtman for Readers' Favorite

The Joy of Musicology: Unleashing the Magical Symphony for All by M.P. Johnson is more than just an introduction to music around the world or the history of music as the term musicology may suggest to those in the field. The book presents the many facets of music including history, music theory, business, styles, science, performance, technology, and others as well. This is a cursory view to present the world of music with enough interesting information to whet the reader’s appetite to learn more about those areas that interest them.
A beautifully illustrated book with pictures that highlight the subjects, it is well-written and edited to introduce the reader to another aspect of music.

However, this is only an introduction to a much larger field of knowledge. For the person who only knows certain perspectives of music, they will find the world of music to be much larger than just the listening perspective and will appreciate more the many facets that go into music as an artist and composer. For those interested in learning music theory, the extensive world of music with complete biographies, how to get into the business of music, and learning about world music in-depth, this examination will cover some of their expectations. For those interested in majoring in music, it presents an interesting succinct version of areas that will be part of the music curriculum. However, if you are interested in getting a brief overview and understanding of the wide world of music from many perspectives, The Joy of Musicology: Unleashing the Magical Symphony for All by M.P. Johnson is a very good start.