The Last Hours of Their Lives

Fiction - Action
182 Pages
Reviewed on 10/18/2013
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

In The Last Hours of Their Lives, author Joseph A. Wellman presents readers with a scenario that has never actually happened in aviation history but could. The co-pilot is overcome with severe food poisoning, leaving the pilot flying alone. Unexpectedly, the pilot suffers a stroke. None of the flight attendants knows how to fly the plane or use the radio. A storm cell lies dead ahead. If that wasn’t bad enough, a passenger claiming to know how to use the radio changes the frequency and turns off the transponder, leaving the Air Tower Control wondering if the flight has been hijacked. The doctor on board informs the flight attendants that it is imperative for the two patients to reach a hospital immediately. Someone must fly the plane. Passenger Carrie has had forty flight hours and she seems the only option but can she land a commercial plane?

The Last Hours of Their Lives is a thriller with non-stop action. This would not be a good book for a nervous passenger to read right before a flight. Joseph A. Wellman provides just enough background information on some of the passengers to keep the reader interested. This is the type of book where the reader wants to quickly turn the pages but also wants to savor each word to take in all that is happening at once. The author keeps the reader guessing the outcome of this ill-fated flight to the last pages. The plot is a little over the top. What are the odds that everything could possibly go wrong, go wrong, go wrong? However, it certainly makes for riveting reading.