The Legend's Son

And The Ultra Competitive World of Alabama Football

Fiction - Humor/Comedy
324 Pages
Reviewed on 02/06/2011
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Lynn Fowlston for Readers' Favorite

Pat Murphy, an Irish-Catholic and a stout northerner from Philadelphia, suddenly finds himself south of the Mason-Dixon Line. The only thing he knows about the south is what he has read in the history books: Civil War, Civil Rights and the Ku Klux Klan. When he lands a job as a sportscaster for Channel 10 news in Montgomery, Alabama, he is right in the heart of the Deep South and football country. You have to realize that, in Alabama, football is "the way of life". This is where he learns about the legendary coach Doug (Babe) James. When you talk to anybody down in Alabama, Coach James was "the man" and was responsible for the Alabama football team to become segregated. James is only one of quite a cast of comical characters Murphy encounters throughout his career as sportscaster.

Alabama is one of my favorite beach vacation spots. The author is right the culture in Alabama is old south. I love to hear that beautiful southern accent. Pat Murphy must have had culture shock when he arrived in Alabama. The writing style is first person narrative. The humor in this tale is divine. I recommend this book for adults, the language is a bit coarse and some scenes are too “mature” for younger readers.