The Light of Shadows

A Balance of Shade and Radiance Book 1

Fiction - Fantasy - Epic
388 Pages
Reviewed on 07/12/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

The Light of Shadows is penned by author Ryan Elledge in the epic fantasy, adventure, and action genres, and is the opening novel of the Balance of Shade and Radiance series. It is best suited to the general adult reading audience. Millennia after the Dawn Ones sealed away destructive magical energy, forces now threaten to destabilize the barrier again. Rav Trisarin from a wealthy magical family, along with her friend Wymund Sylnorin and mentor Annika Iatorii, investigates fiery explosions in Virdoba. Meanwhile, merchant Mareq Iq'Urlset uncovers a scheme by mercenary Tetamii Fiadar to instigate international conflict. Both investigators race to prevent a war fueled by deception.

Author Ryan Elledge utilizes atmospheric language and inventive fantasy worldbuilding to craft an enthralling dive into a richly woven universe. The looming threat of the second Rupturing created a constant undercurrent of tension and urgency, making the stakes feel incredibly high from the beginning. Elledge captures these moments with a confident narrative style that throws you straight into the action. Rav Trisarin offers a strong emotional core for readers to latch onto and root for, grounding the intricate plot in personal relationships and a journey of challenge, growth, and strength. The novel incorporates plenty of individual character plots and arcs into this narrative, with converging paths around the heroes and villains that feel fully formed and realistically drawn to show us how these characters’ actions are shaped by the world they experience. The blend of magic-fueled action and political intrigue is well-balanced to deliver lighter and more serious moments, and it kept me hooked whilst eagerly anticipating each twist and turn. The world-building was masterful, immersing me in the Physicarium's lore and setting the stage for an epic series. Overall, The Light of Shadows is an enthralling fantasy that sets the stage brilliantly for future adventures.