The Lost Bird

Fiction - Crime
169 Pages
Reviewed on 09/23/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

The Lost Bird is a crime mystery thriller by J.K. Kelly. In Palm Springs, California, criminals steal a World War II B-17 bomber airplane during an airshow and the authorities suspect one of the co-pilots, Pat Monaghan, a veteran wartime pilot, was somehow involved. Chris Boone, a retired Marine, comes home from the Arabian Gulf to spend time with his father on his deathbed. Chris soon discovers that his younger brother, Will, has embroiled himself with a couple of nefarious characters, who may have something to do with the stolen aircraft. After an attempt on his life, Chris sets off to rescue his brother from the clutches of the criminals and help Pat restore his honor. Meanwhile, Chris and Pat's sisters work together to get to the bottom of the truth. Will the ringleader be caught?

Using a delicious mix of sleuth mystery, action, and intrigue, J.K. Kelly presents an engrossing crime thriller that fans of the genre will devour with relish. The Lost Bird hooks the reader in from the first page, and from there, it's a fast-paced and action-packed ride to the finish line. There is not a dull moment in the entire book. Whether it's the character interactions or the crime mystery elements, there is just so much to enjoy in this tale. Kelly's characters have strong and well-defined personalities that lead to some really compelling scenes. I loved Chris's burgeoning friendship with Pat, as well as Susan and Linda's unexpected partnership. Will's character development was another highlight of the story for me. All in all, thriller aficionados are in for a treat!