The Man Who Cast Two Shadows

Fiction - Thriller - General
336 Pages
Reviewed on 03/24/2012
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Author Biography

Rick Jones received his BA in English from UNLV and resides in Las Vegas, Nevada. He is also the author of the highly acclaimed VATICAN KNIGHT series, to be released by Variance Publishing LLC.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Alice DiNizo for Readers' Favorite

Aimee Reardon is just eight years old when she witnesses the brutal murder and burial of her mother by her father, Luther. She has the presence to telephone for help from the police as her father digs her mother's grave while demanding that Aimee play his favorite piano pieces. Years have passed and Luther Reardon is in Walpole Prison outside Boston, diagnosed as a bipolar sociopath. Before murdering Aimee's mother, Luther was highly successful at destroying companies and CEO's, so he has a tremendous amount of money awaiting him on being paroled from prison which he is going to do after nineteen years behind bars. Aimee is now Ashley Quinton, living happily with her husband and small daughter Stephanie on the West Coast, far away from Luther but never far enough. Ashley knows he will come for her since he knows she was the one who called 9-1-1 those long years ago. She receives a local telephone call telling her that he is "back for the last dance" but how can this be? Luther Reardon is living in his newly purchased home outside Boston. Who is it that is stalking Ashley and her family?

"The Man Who Cast Two Shadows" is a well-conceived thriller that will hold the reader's attention through to its very last pages. The author has served readers several twists and turns and makes "The Man Who Cast Two Shadows" a good read for those who love thrillers.