The Markwell Manor Mystery

A DJ Benson Adventure

Children - Grade 4th-6th
96 Pages
Reviewed on 01/31/2011
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Author Biography

JA Davies is a retired primary school principal who has been writing short plays and musicals for children for over 30 years. He is currently working on the next DJ Benson Adventure. He and his wife, Jill, live on the mid north coast of New South Wales, Australia.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Lynette Fowlston for Readers' Favorite

What could make a better plot than an eleven year old boy and ghosts! That’s just what the author gives readers in the book The Markwell Manor.

When Daniel (DJ) Benson’s dad inherits the Markwell Manor from his Uncle Clive, things seem to be a little suspicious. Tales of ghosts or unseen spirits rumored to inhabit the mansion was all it took for DJ’s mom and sister to say they were not staying in the Manor. An unexpected new neighbor, strange tire tracks in their yard, and a small package at their back door seem odd to DJ. Things seem to get stranger by the minute. When they get to the mansion, they quickly discover that the ghosts do not want them around and are trying to chase them away. Are they real? Are there such things as Ghosts? DJ is very curious and adventurous. He is determined to discover the truth. Want to know what happens next? Read the book!

This is a well-written, highly adventurous story for ages 8 to 12. I loved the GROG (Get Rid Of Ghosts) team. They sent chills up the spine with their ghost haunting. This is a fun to read book with plenty of thrills, chills and humor that all youth will enjoy.