The Memory Tree

Linden Corners

Fiction - Drama
352 Pages
Reviewed on 09/25/2013
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Karen Pirnot for Readers' Favorite

The Memory Tree by Joseph Pittman is the latest in the Linden Corners novels. Set in a rustic northeastern community, Linden Corners is a town where everybody knows the business of everyone else and everyone is poised and ready to help his or her neighbor. When Brian Duncan loses his girlfriend Annie, he assumes the responsibility for her young child named Janey. Janey is a precocious child who accepts Brian as her father while she continues a special spiritual relationship with her mother. There is a mystical windmill on the property which, in times of destruction of property and human souls, seems able to pull together the town and heal fractures and broken hearts. Newcomers are mesmerized by the traditions of the community and are quickly drawn into the history and the promise of a better life. It is now Christmas and the promise of miracles is floating in the air.

Pittman has developed lovable and believable characters which span three generations in Linden Corners. Trina comes to tend to an angry, alone father who seemingly abandoned her when she was a young child. Christine and her husband struggle with a decision to leave a supportive community while Brian agonizes about whether to take a chance on love. Readers are drawn into the individual stories while, at the same time, writing a scenario of their own. You will turn pages hoping to find solutions to problems which have plagued humankind for thousands of years. You will cheer for the release of demons and the joy of learning and loving!