The Murder Hotel

Fiction - Mystery - Sleuth
380 Pages
Reviewed on 10/30/2022
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Ananya Hazarika for Readers' Favorite

The Murder Hotel by Alistair Gardiner is a mystery novel set against the backdrop of scenic Scotland. Samantha, an optician bored with her work, inherits her Aunt Claire’s hotel. She and her best friend Daisy quit their jobs after deciding to run the hotel. Daisy, being a Ninja trained version of Sherlock Holmes, suspects that Samantha’s aunt was murdered and they both start investigating. Could the sweet cook Maggie, who is known for her herbalism, the under-manager Logan who has a history of blackmail, or the ever-cheeky housekeeper Rebecca have committed the crime? Adding to the confusion is Jake, Samantha’s boyfriend, who has a knack for showing up in the wrong places all the time.

Alistair Gardiner has created a fascinating yarn that mystery readers will find charming. The characters are relatable and well-defined, with personal struggles that make the reader empathize with their dilemmas. The reader can imagine walking through the corridors of the hotel and its surroundings as the descriptions are vivid. Samantha's and Daisy’s painstaking deduction of the motive and opportunity behind Aunt Claire’s murder is a delight to read. The twist and turns are so intriguing that you never see them coming. The Murder Hotel is a tale that lets you use your detective skills to speculate as to who might be the real culprit. I enjoyed reading this book and would recommend it to mystery lovers.