The Murder of Sherlock Holmes

Fiction - Mystery - Sleuth
290 Pages
Reviewed on 12/20/2015
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Author Biography

David Fable is the pen name for Randy Feldman, an award winning screenwriter, television producer and playwright whose work has been nominated for the Writers' Guild of America Award, the "Goya" (Spanish Academy Award) and NAACP Image Award. He has written movies such as "Tango & Cash" starring Sylvester Stallone and Kurt Russell, "Metro" starring Eddie Murphy, "The Reading Room" starring James Earl Jones and "As Luck Would Have It" starring Salma Hayek. He is an artist in residence and lectures on writing for the stage and screen at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

    Book Review

Reviewed by J. Aislynn d'Merricksson for Readers' Favorite

I am a big Sherlock fan, not because of the BBC Sherlock, though I do love that incarnation as well. Sherlock Holmes is one of the few characters I can think of who have become archetypal figures in their own right, and in doing so pulled all of their friends and foes along with them. From his original Victorian London, to modern day New York and New Jersey, we have seen Sherlock at a variety of ages, and with varying occupations and varying minor (sometimes major) personality glitches, yet there is something always quintessentially and undeniably Sherlock.

In this story we follow not Sherlock, but a protégé in the form of Christopher Hudson, the son of Mrs Hudson, who grew up around Sherlock and picked up a great deal of his methodology. Christopher, now in college, is not to be denied when it comes to finding out who has murdered the Great Detective. Grudgingly, Watson and Scotland Yard both realise young Hudson really is a worthy successor to Holmes. He doggedly follows clue after clue along a convoluted path to the truth. While Hudson has the benefit of Sherlock’s knowledge, he's young enough to realise times are changing, technology is advancing and the criminals along with it, and he's able to adapt quicker and think differently than his older companions.

With Sherlock stories being written today, it can be a gamble if you are going to get a good one or not. David Fable's The Murder of Sherlock Holmes lived up to and surpassed my expectations. The Murder of Sherlock Holmes was a very engaging read. For any readers who are fans of Sherlock Holmes stories, David Fable’s book is a must-read. Expect surprises around every corner.