The Nice List Checklist

Children - Picture Book
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 10/16/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Philip Van Heusen for Readers' Favorite

If you and your child enjoy fun with Santa around Christmas, then The Nice List Checklist by Brittany Plumeri is the book for you. Parents often tell their children that Santa and his helpers are watching, so they need to be nice. Only children on the nice list will receive their wishes on Christmas morning. However, what an adult calls being nice might never enter a child’s mind. This colorful children’s picture book helps young readers understand what being nice means. Being nice comes in various shades and colors and occurs at home, with friends, at school, and with strangers. Children must learn many ways to be nice; this book provides gentle guidance. Using a nice chart is a bonus in this book. Kindness is a great way to make someone’s day. Using manners and obeying your parents are both good ways to be nice. I recommend this book for hours of fun, discussing ways to be nice and show kindness.

What does Santa want from me? You might hear your child ask this question and others about being nice, especially around Christmas. Brittany Plumeri's The Nice List Checklist will help children learn more about being nice. She uses simple words that will keep your child’s attention as they learn the many facets of niceness. Children do not innately know what constitutes good manners or being nice. They do not understand that sharing and caring for others are forms of niceness. Spend time with your child, teaching them what they can do at their age to share kindness with others. Don’t forget to teach your child that Santa’s nice list is for the whole year and not just at Christmas. With its rhyming words, this book is a delight to read aloud as a family activity.