The Night the Stars Went Missing

Children - Picture Book
88 Pages
Reviewed on 06/06/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Demetria Head for Readers' Favorite

The Night the Stars Went Missing by Arthur J. Gonzalez is a delightful children’s picture book that follows the adventurous young Winston, who spends his nights gazing at the stars. One night, Winston notices that the stars have mysteriously disappeared. Sensing that something is amiss, he embarks on a whimsical journey to uncover the truth. His quest takes him to the clouds, where he encounters a comical shooting star who reveals that the stars haven't vanished but are hiding. They fear the same stress and harm that humans have inflicted on their friend, planet Earth. It falls upon Winston to convince the stars that their presence is vital and to coax them back into the night sky.

Arthur J. Gonzalez crafts a captivating tale with The Night the Stars Went Missing, blending an engaging storyline with enchanting illustrations that will intrigue young readers. The plot is imaginative and heartwarming, delivering a meaningful message about the impact of human actions on the environment. Winston is an endearing protagonist whose determination and kindness resonate throughout the story. The humorous shooting star and the vividly depicted night sky add layers of charm and whimsy to the narrative. Arthur J. Gonzalez’s book not only entertains but also educates, gently encouraging children to consider the importance of caring for Earth. This enchanting picture book is perfect for bedtime stories, offering both a delightful adventure and a valuable lesson in stewardship and empathy. The Night the Stars Went Missing is sure to become a beloved favorite for children and parents alike.