The Paroxysm Deception

Fiction - Drama
305 Pages
Reviewed on 10/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Maalin Ogaja for Readers' Favorite

The Paroxysm Deception by Jastrow Hill is a heart-rending exploration of greed, betrayal, and the devastating impact of deception, made even more painful when it comes from a close family member. Lisa and David Deagan have done all they can for their troubled daughter, Camille. However, despite this love and care, Camille is selfish, mean, and ungrateful. Eventually, she grows up and leaves her hometown of Mountain View, moving to the much larger city of Benton. Here, Camille soon links up with a questionable group of friends and makes a series of bad decisions that lead to life-altering consequences. Can Camille learn from these past mistakes and earn forgiveness from her parents?

The Paroxysm Deception by Jastrow Hill explores various themes with the devastation that results from betrayal and the fragile nature of familial bonds when trust is broken being paramount. It also explores the consequences of poor choices, self-destruction, and moral decay. As I read this story, I reflected on the fact that even in a nurturing environment, a child’s inherent tendencies toward rebelliousness or selfishness can still emerge. The underlying takeaway for me is that parents may blame themselves, but the truth is that parenting doesn’t come with guarantees. This was excellently portrayed by the characters, whose actions and development were intricately woven into the plot and deepened the emotional impact of the story. I would recommend this book to readers who appreciate multifaceted themes of justice and courtroom drama, interwoven with the complexities of parenting and the realities of the judicial system.