The Peacock Tree

Children - Preschool
34 Pages
Reviewed on 07/05/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Philip Van Heusen for Readers' Favorite

The Peacock Tree is a sweet children’s picture book written by Madeline Pearl with her younger brother in mind. This story is based on a real tree and castle found about an hour north of London. The peacocks and peahens gather in the tree every night while the castle tells stories of its history. The castle talked about times long ago that were simpler but not always better. The peafowl listened to the castle. The next morning, they awakened the children who lived in the castle, and then they were fed. After breakfast, the children enjoyed playing and climbing in the tree. As your children read this book, they will learn about the cycle of life and how everything interacts. Teaching your children how to protect all life and the environment is wise.

The Writer’s Hall of Fame should make room for Madeline Pearl, a new, rising star-quality young author. The Peacock Tree begins her future career in writing and illustrating. While only seventeen, Madeline writes on par with most older authors I have read. She uses an easy-to-understand method based on her knowledge of children through the perspective of her younger brother. She wants to entertain children and teach them that it is vital to support each other. Take the time to read this book with your child, then discuss the importance of interacting with, supporting, and helping others. As society learns to work together, they will learn that life is easier and better. It is vital to understand how everything works together. It is important to do our part to keep this world running. I highly recommend this book to all children.