The Pearl

Fiction - Fantasy - General
195 Pages
Reviewed on 03/25/2014
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Tina Stanciu for Readers' Favorite

The Pearl by J.F. Anstead is a wonderful short story about the decisions we make in life and the way they impact on our soul. Told from the point of view of two sisters who discover that they are experiencing the same dream, the story takes the shape of a metaphor and presents the reader with an amazing dream world, a world of love and God, but also of wrong decisions and serious consequences. The battle between Good and Evil, as seen by two innocent souls is maybe even more intense than through the eyes of an adult. The river of pearls is a beautiful personification of our soul's journey, its destination, a journey of faith and wonders. When the pearl that carries your soul down the river is in danger will you understand the right way to save it? Will you put yourself and your loved one second in order to save everyone else?

The Pearl offers you a short but engaging reading experience, and even though the characters may seem to be a little underdeveloped, this diminishes in importance when you understand the actual theme of the plot. I think it could have been longer, giving the ending a more substantial outcome. Regardless, it is a story worth reading, and most of all, worth thinking about, whether you are a religious person or not. I would love to read more from J.F. Anstead, and I hope these types of stories will also find their way into the author’s writings in the future.