The Phoenix


Fiction - Fantasy - General
359 Pages
Reviewed on 09/04/2009
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

Ten scrolls are found hidden under a 5000 year old South American Temple. When they are translated they tell the story of Ammon. He was killed in a bombing, but returns to life with unusual powers. We journey with him as he searches for the meaning of his life. His travels lead him to a hidden race of numinous beings. Eventually he discovers his purpose.

War breaks out between Ammon’s people and another "tribe." The battle grows close to the mystical beings threatening their existence. They beings are holding prisoner dangerous "beings," with strong and dangerous powers.

Authors, Joseph Allen, Claire Michelle Hollenbaugh, and Mary Adele authors readers an imaginative tale. The plot has great possibilities. There were a few problems with consistency and the characters seem a bit flat. 5000 years ago there was no gun powder or bombs. The descriptions are vivid. At times I felt as though the authors were trying to move their own political agenda. However, putting that all aside I enjoyed the story. It reads like a legend or myth that teaches good versus evil. The authors left the ending with possibilities for future books. I hope I have the opportunity to review them.


The first few pages of this book got me curious, and after the first 3 or 4 chapters, I didn't want to put it down. I found myself imagining the scenery and I enjoyed the fact that the author gave a good base of details, but left a lot to the imagination. I really enjoyed the vivid details and lively colors I imagined in the sanctuary and surrounding the mystics. I could imagine the desert and the mountains. More than that, though, I found myself drawn to Ammon, our main character. In the story, we journey thru a challenging and revealing stage of Ammon's life where he finds himself forced to decide what his purpose is. He is searching for meaning and his place in the world around him.
There are a lot of great supporting characters, too. Ammons surrounds himself with friends and companions to help him with his journey of self discovery.
I was definately left wanting to know more and I love that the author has left the possibility for more scrolls open. I think this book is appropriate for readers middle school age and up. There are battle scenes, but nothing too graphic or inappropriate. A good, fun, fairly quick read. I hope to see more of the story!

Sandra L. Rackley

The Phoenix: Firestorm by Joseph Allen

The book is a delight! It contains a delicious recipe for wonderful adventures. It contains some of good and evil, war and peace, reality and fable, mystery and intrigue, morals and fantasy, love and romance, humor and serious. During this encounter I found my mind reviewing current topics of national problems in relationship to the lessons imparted and taught in this novel.

The characters while perhaps a little lacking in some depth are engaging and fun...I found I was caring about them and wanting them to succeed in their trials and tribulations. The main character, Ammon, is followed on a life's growing and changing discovery. He has the beginnings of being developed into a wonderful hero. I hope that Mr. Allen plans to write more of the tales given to him by the Storyteller.

The cover of this book is just lovely!! Nice art work! s


In a war torn land, a young boy begins to discover his true potential. As battle erupts across the land will this young man discover his true being and be able to help?

I thought this was a very good book. The characters were very likable and the idea of the mystics was great. I loved all the different quotes at the begining of each chapter they really kept the theme and direction of the novel moving. Overall an excellent read and can not wait for a second.

Daniel L. Ferguson

I found this novel quite enjoyable. I was so intrigued that I wanted to just keep reading to see what was going to happen next to my favorite characters. The story line is very constant and the author's imagination very enjoyable. Reading this novel will give each reader time to relax and think about what they might do to stand up for what is right and what they cherish most in life. I am so looking forward to the next volume. Thank you Mr. Allen your book has it all. Reality, fantasy, morals, romance, and last but not least, humor. It was a good book.