The Pirate's Physician

A Thrilling Companion Novella to the Sea and Stone Chronicles

Fiction - Short Story/Novela
191 Pages
Reviewed on 08/07/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

The Pirate's Physician is a companion novella to Amy Maroney's Sea and Stone Chronicles series. Guiliana Rinaldi is among the most talented students at Salerno's prestigious medical school. Raised by her beloved Uncle Dante, Guiliana is ready to walk in his footsteps and become a physician when Dante's unexpected death turns her life upside down. Guiliana soon discovers that her uncle is indebted to a ruthless wool merchant from Florence, who now wants to force her into a marriage through a marriage contract. Her only hope is the charismatic Basque pirate Captain Eneko, with whom she takes to the sea to meet with her Aunt Amalia in Genoa. After a misadventure in Mdina, Guiliana eventually arrives in Genoa and learns secrets about her heritage. Meanwhile, the Florentine merchant and his men are searching for her.

The Pirate's Physician is a breezy read filled with romance, action, and adventure. Amy Maroney weaves a fast-paced plot that engages you from beginning to end, keeping you entertained every step of the way. The main characters are charming and immensely likable, with good-natured personalities that make you want to root for them. The blooming romance between Guiliana and Eneko was one of the book's primary highlights for me. Both these characters ooze chemistry whenever they are together on the pages. I also enjoyed Guiliana's relationship dynamic with Rosetta. There's a reveal toward the end that I can't say I saw coming. Maroney does a brilliant job of describing the sea voyages as the setting in those scenes truly comes alive. In conclusion, if you're a fan of sea-faring adventure tales with a touch of romance and intrigue, you'll love this book!