The Prince and the Witch

Children - Fantasy/Sci-Fi
Kindle Edition
Reviewed on 06/25/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

The Prince and The Witch is a coming-of-age fantasy adventure tale by L.A. Thompson. Cursed as a child by his own grandmother, sixteen-year-old Edward dreads the day he will turn seventeen. For on his seventeenth birthday, Edward is supposed to die. Son of King Reginald of Arthura, Edward's survival depends on drinking a magical tincture that is on the verge of running out. With King Reginald's banishment of witches and his severe hatred of anything magic, Edward's only hope to rid himself of the curse is to seek help from the witches of the Coven in the Venatys Mountains. But when a band of outlaws attack and kidnap him on the way, a young witch named Abbey comes to Edward's rescue. Soon, he will discover shocking truths about his family that will have far-reaching consequences.

Author L.A. Thompson takes readers on a magical adventure that young adult fantasy lovers will devour with relish. Filled with courtly intrigue, drama, romance, and action, The Prince and The Witch is an absolute blast to go through. The plot moves at a brisk pace, taking twists and turns that you never see coming. There are some reveals toward the end that neatly tie up the intricate plot threads, making for a satisfying and absorbing climax. The characters are likable and easy to root for. Edward and Abbey are two talented and tenacious youngsters who find each other at a momentous time in their lives. I thoroughly enjoyed their chemistry. Recommended to young adult fantasy lovers.