The Purple Christmas Tree

Children - Grade 4th-6th
66 Pages
Reviewed on 05/27/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Nino Lobiladze for Readers' Favorite

The Purple Christmas Tree by B. Woster is an engaging read for children from eight years of age and up, their parents, and teachers. Christmas is an important time of the year not only for humans but for trees. They do their best to look attractive to people who will decorate them in anticipation of the festivities. The Spirit of Christmas tries to keep the trees happy even during such challenging times as the Great Depression. Elfendorf assists the Spirit of Christmas in this mission. He hurries to help an unusual tree that turned purple after being separated from his best friend. Elfendorf will need all his skills and a bit of Christmas magic while trying to reunite two friends, Cedarboppin and Firgo.

B. Woster's The Purple Christmas Tree is a heartwarming story to enjoy not only during the holiday season but throughout the year. The author has a beautiful writing style. Adult readers will appreciate the touches of sparkling humor and the captivating intrigue skillfully woven into the plotline. The story is informative and educational. The author paints a memorable picture of life during the Great Depression. One of the characters, Chris Blackwell, represents hope and the ability to face challenges. He encourages his children (and young readers) to always learn something new. The author offers many interesting facts about the celebration of Christmas, some of which I didn't know. I like Woster's funny, whimsical characters, Cedarboppin and Firgo, and Branislav Sosic's vibrant illustrations. The story reminds us to be kind to those who look different.