The Rarkyn's Fall

The Rarkyn Trilogy #2

Fiction - Fantasy - Epic
572 Pages
Reviewed on 09/27/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

The Rarkyn's Fall, the second book in The Rarkyn Trilogy by Nikky Lee, is an epic fantasy novel that follows Lyss as she grapples with uncontrollable, volatile magic that threatens her life. Outlawed and hunted, she journeys to Illredus, the capital of the Empire, in search of the last remaining witch who can tame her powers. As she uncovers dark secrets about her father’s legacy, Lyss is forced to confront dangerous truths about herself, her allies, and her magic, leading her to a critical decision that could change everything. This complex and immersive fantasy world is filled with rich history, magic, and intrigue that feels distinctly original and new. The dark family legacy gives the novel a new twist on classic hero tropes.

The author’s ability to develop Lyss’s internal struggle with her magic creates a core emotional tension that brings a lot of drama and struggle to the narrative. The close narration of Lyss’s emotions is attentive and empathetic, but it’s also never over-dramatized and feels totally realistic to her plight. Nikky Lee’s vivid descriptions bring to life the dark, gritty atmosphere of Illredus and its underbelly with the reader feeling every moment of pressure and panic as Lyss constantly looks over her shoulder for the next threat. The intricate plot twists move at a breakneck pace to keep the action flowing. However, there are plenty of dark moral dilemmas in the quiet scenes in between to give the story a compelling sense of unpredictability and suspense from cover to cover. Overall, The Rarkyn's Fall is an excellent continuation of an exciting fantasy series packed with danger and intrigue, and I can’t wait to see what happens next.

Carol Thompson

Nikky Lee’s The Rarkyn's Fall, the second installment in The Rarkyn Trilogy, expands on the gripping world introduced in the first book. The stakes are higher, with Lyss navigating a dangerous journey to control her volatile magic, all while being hunted as an outlaw. Her complex relationship with Skaar adds emotional depth, and the morally gray characters and power struggles keep readers guessing. Illredus, the Empire's capital, is vividly depicted as a labyrinth of corrupt magic, amplifying the dark, gritty tone of the novel. This installment deepens the world's lore, building on the tensions of the first book while leaving readers eager to see where Lyss’s journey will take her next.

Nikky Lee balances epic battles, magic lore, and character growth. Themes of justice, identity, and sacrifice loom as Lyss grapples with her father’s legacy. Lee provides an overview of the first book, so it’s not necessary to read it to understand this second book. The novel is tightly written with no filler scenes, allowing the action and emotional stakes to rise naturally. The world-building unfolds at a slow, deliberate pace, allowing readers to become fully immersed in its complexity. While this measured approach may feel gradual, it adds depth and richness to the narrative, making each revelation feel earned and satisfying. The novel is divided into parts, which helps to alleviate any complexities. The Rarkyn’s Fall is a blend of complex emotions and dark secrets. Lee has penned the perfect story for fans of character-driven epic fantasy that continues into the third book with Lyss and Skaar.

Jamie Michele

In The Rarkyn's Fall, book two in The Rarkyn Trilogy by Nikky Lee, after escaping a confrontation with the Order, Lyss learns that Brin is imprisoned. With the help of Murienn and his wife Vesta, who recognize Lyss’s potential as a soul-binder, they move through the underground tunnels of Illredus to find a way into the Desmoterion prison to rescue him. As they strategize, Lyss faces the elite Rose Brigade and the politicking of the Citadel. Meanwhile, Skaar suffers from a venomous wound. Lyss’s quest intensifies when she learns of a trial involving Aida Atanas, accused of using forbidden magic, leaning into the dangers of the Order's reach. As they prepare for a series of confrontations, Lyss must regain control of her magic and face the consequences of her choices and the fates of those she cares for, as well as her own future.

The Rarkyn's Fall by Nikky Lee has brilliantly intricate world-building and an innovative magic system, fueling Lyss's compelling journey. Lee's command of writing means the story is wholly immersive. I most appreciated the theme of Lyss's attempts to reconcile her identity, particularly when she's told that what's within her is a product of blood magic and essential to her very being. Coupled with her uncertainty about her father's past, readers are given far more than a straightforward hero's quest and are treated to emotional attachment to her belonging and power. As a result, Lyss is a strong protagonist that readers become deeply connected with. Overall, this installment engages the mind and stirs the heart, making it an unforgettable read that lingers long after the final page, and leaving me excited about the finale to come. Very highly recommended.