The Reset Mindset

Get Unstuck, Focus on What Matters Most, and Reach Your Goals Faster

Non-Fiction - Business/Finance
192 Pages
Reviewed on 06/27/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Zahid Sheikh for Readers' Favorite

The Reset Mindset by Penny Zenker is a complete tool for anyone who would like to make changes in their life, are unhappy with where they are, or want to be more effective in achieving their goals. The book explores realistic paths for professional and personal growth, emphasizing the necessity of reviewing and rearranging one's life in light of the world's perpetual change. Readers are encouraged to adopt the ideas of using the mind for handling hardships, reducing stress, and making better decisions with the author's considerate examples and uncomplicated methods. The objective of the book is to help people find meaning in many aspects of their lives by guiding them through the process of reinvention and offering a path toward purpose and intention.

I found Penny Zenker’s writing style both reader-friendly and filled with profound information based on her extensive knowledge of personal transformation and change. This level of writing makes the book not only a theoretical manual on how to bring change but also a practical tool for initiating transformations. A strength of this book is her clear and comprehensive instruction on difficult theories and her focus on the application of these theories. It includes helpful and inspiring anecdotes that elucidate her points and give people something to look forward to. Zenker’s approach is practical, which enables readers to apply the strategies described by her to their everyday lives. I highly recommend The Reset Mindset for anyone wanting to improve their lives or careers as it offers the perfect blend of best practices and inspiration.