The Road to Marietta

Fiction - Historical - Event/Era
235 Pages
Reviewed on 10/02/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Jamie Michele for Readers' Favorite

The Road to Marietta by Karla Jordan follows August Violet Finnegan, a little girl in 1930s Chicago, whose upbringing has been marked by neglect and instability due to her father's reckless lifestyle as a “traveling salesman.” His work as a runner meant frequent abandonment, and August was overwrought with feelings of insecurity and fear. When her father sells her to a man named Sal, August's situation takes a darker turn, leading her to form a bond with Rosa, a woman who helps her escape. August's journey then takes her to Caleb, a kind-hearted farm boy, where she attempts to build a new life against ongoing dire straits. However, she faces more trouble, including betrayal and violence from those she tries to trust, culminating in a dramatic turn that will force August to confront her past and, as she has always done, fight for her survival.

In The Road to Marietta, Karla Jordan does a brilliant job of showing readers what resilience and hope look like through August’s heartbreaking path to freedom, both physical and emotional. The symbolism is spectacular, and there's a scene where August emerges, clutching a key, as a metaphor for her readiness for freedom. These are the small nuggets of gold Jordan uses to elevate the work in an already lifelike, historically rich world. All the characters are given real development, from the empathetic Esther, who August meets by chance, to the horrific Deacon Berry. The balance between violence and care, tension and tenderness, is well done. August transforms and as a reader we see it happen, which makes the fact that things actually get a lot worse before they get better so much harder to swallow. Still, the connection is a testament to Jordan's skill as a writer, as well as to the strength of the human spirit that is prevalent in all good literature. Very highly recommended.