The Scalpel, the Paintbrush and the Pen

Healing as a Creative Art

Non-Fiction - Health - Medical
198 Pages
Reviewed on 06/30/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Zahid Sheikh for Readers' Favorite

The Scalpel, The Paintbrush and The Pen: Healing as a Creative Art is the life and healing story of Marilyn Kay Hagar which is based on her experience with art therapy. The book guides the reader through Hagar’s journey and the physical and psychological implications of a major surgery. By employing her creative skills in art, the author seeks to give voice to her inner self and the powerful feelings that arise and heal her from the experience of trauma. The descriptions of her artworks are numerous and are a great part of the narrative, showing the steps she has taken in her recovery process. Marilyn's journey is a story of determination, imagination, and transformation in artistic practice, which provides readers with a detailed view of how art can be used as therapy to make meaningful changes.

Marilyn Kay Hagar's writing is passionate, touching, and simple, which underlines her talent for sharing emotions and visions through words. Through descriptive and engaging writing, she expresses herself powerfully and enables readers to join her in her experiences. The book's organization, where the author shares her journey along with her artwork, makes the message more effective and emphasizes the importance of creativity for healing. The strength and confidence that she displays in proving to the world that she is all right after the hardships she has faced makes The Scalpel, The Paintbrush and The Pen moving and inspiring. This book not only conveys the healing, strength, and art motif but also openness and honesty in the author’s experiences.