The Seal of Words

Young Adult - Fantasy - General
468 Pages
Reviewed on 06/22/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Divine Zape for Readers' Favorite

The Seal of Words by A. W. Karen is a riveting narrative following Sadie Jean Parker, a young woman on the cusp of her 17th birthday. Her life takes an unexpected turn when she encounters a mysterious figure in her dreams. Despite her initial apprehension, Sadie's intuition compels her to trust this enigmatic stranger, leading her on a perilous journey through the Well into the realm of Magor, where magic reigns supreme. As Sadie struggles with her surroundings and newfound wonders and dangers, she discovers her voice and purpose, championing those silenced by oppression while forging unexpected bonds of friendship and love.

A. W. Karen's masterful storytelling offers rich imagery and emotional strength, capturing Sadie's odyssey with unusual brilliance. From the somber cobblestone streets of Sadie's hometown to the vibrant Transient Tents teeming with warmth and camaraderie, each scene pulsates with life, inviting readers to immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of Magor. Through carefully crafted character interactions and gripping plot twists, Karen explores the themes of self-discovery, magic, and the enduring power of compassion. The Seal of Words has concise chapters, and each one is crafted with a note of suspense at the end, making it hard for readers to stop reading. Blending fantasy and heart, A. W. Karen crafts a tale that is balanced and intriguing, offering characters that are relatable and full of life. The setting has a unique place in the story, and the author makes it easy for readers to experience the sights, smells, and seasons in the story.

Emma Megan

The Seal of Words by A. W. Karen is a wonderful young adult fantasy. Sadie Jean Parker is a 17-year-old girl who wants badly to have a chance at something more than a lonely, uninteresting life. Even though she's not supposed to cross over the Well, found in the center of the Town Square, without a proper ceremony, she decides to enter it anyway. She does this because a week before her seventeenth birthday, Sadie had a dream in which a man appeared, whom she believes was her missing father, and told her to enter the Well. When Sadie arrives in Magor, she discovers a realm of magic. Now, she hopes she can start afresh and finally be independent and in control of her life. Will Magor be her chance at freedom? Why did the man in her dream tell her to enter the Well ahead of her scheduled time?

The Seal of Words is a fascinating read that contains an amazing, unique universe filled with lively, entrancing characters, mystery, magic, and intrigue. A. W. Karen offers readers a delightful escape and heartfelt journey. This sweet and gripping tale will have readers rooting for a young girl set on a daring quest to help those in need and discover the truth about her mother. I enjoyed learning about A. W. Karen's interesting characters and well-crafted universe and I recommend The Seal of Words to anyone seeking a compelling blend of fantasy, adventure, mystery, romance, and magic.

K.C. Finn

The Seal of Words is a work of fiction penned by author A. W. Karen in the fantasy, adventure, and interpersonal drama genres. It is intended for the young adult reading audience. The plot follows Sadie Jean Parker, who spent her first 17 years in isolation, visited only by her mother and the town librarian. A week before her 17th birthday, a mysterious man appears in her dreams, urging her to enter the Well early. Despite her doubts, she heeds his advice and is transported to Magor, a realm of magic. Here, she discovers her voice and learns to wield it to aid those silenced by oppression. Throughout her journey, she finds love and a sense of belonging in a world that initially seemed foreign and perilous.

Author A. W. Karen utilizes imagination and creativity to craft this truly enchanting read. Sadie Jean Parker's life of quiet solitude is narrated with a tender, emotive focus on her internal thoughts and feelings, evoking a sense of loneliness and longing that endears her to you right from the start. The narrative takes a thrilling turn when Sadie encounters the enigmatic man in her dreams, propelling her into the magical realm of Magor with a rush of new experiences and cinematically described scenes. Her journey from skepticism to trust, and the subsequent transition into a vibrant, magical world, was both captivating and relatable, balanced between larger-than-life descriptive language and grounded, emotive speech and thought presentation. The depiction of Magor, with its shimmering allure and underlying dangers, was vividly brought to life through evocative prose, and the atmosphere of the settings perfectly complemented the mood of each scene. Sadie's growth from a secluded, uncertain girl to a confident young woman who uses her newfound voice to combat injustice was inspiring, and the themes of discovering one's purpose and the perils of power were interwoven beautifully and seamlessly. Overall, I would certainly recommend The Seal of Words as a tender and epic new fantasy work that YA readers and the young at heart will all enjoy.