The Secret King


Fiction - Science Fiction
322 Pages
Reviewed on 08/23/2016
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Author Biography

Dawn has been writing professionally since 2005 when she first started writing scripts. So far, three of her shorts have been produced, and she already has a couple of IMBD credits from her work. In fact, she is excited to announce that one of the films that she was lucky to be part of, Tailgate, premiers on the 15th of October 2016! Mark your calendars, and check it out here when it goes live!

    Book Review

Reviewed by Romuald Dzemo for Readers' Favorite

Can Aonise survive the fate that is about to befall her? Aonise is traversing the worst crisis in her history: her sun is fading and she may end up in the worst form of devastation. Led by Kendro, the king, the Aonise embark on an evacuation mission with a few ships and supplies. As if setting off for a new world wasn’t a huge challenge in itself, they are beset by a deadly enemy, one who’d do everything to cripple them and bring them to their knees, and there could be a traitor too on the inside. Can Kendro help his people beat their enemies and escape in time before the sun dies on them? The Secret King: Lethao by Dawn Chapman is an action packed sci-fi read that will grab the attention of fans of this genre.

The story begins with action and the reader is immediately introduced to the conflict. The image of the king looking at the fading sun through the window of his study, and the soldiers as they prepare for the evacuation, downcast and almost beaten, immediately grabs the reader’s attention. The reader understands the king’s dilemma when he says: “Best to work while I can, before they come for these, too.”

The author introduces readers to the key characters in the story and moves the action at a good pace. The writing is captivating and the monumental conflict drives the plot forward, hurling it to a satisfactory denouement. The setting is well conceived, a planet on the eve of its demise. At every turn, the reader is intrigued, wanting to know the fate of characters he or she has started to care about. Great writing, a beautiful and entertaining story. The Secret King: Lethao is a story I would recommend to fans of sci-fi and fantasy, and anyone looking for a story with fully-fledged characters.