The Shadow and the Light

Young Adult - Fantasy - General
485 Pages
Reviewed on 09/11/2015
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Author Biography

S. K. Michels, from the moment she understood the meaning of letters and words, discovered within herself a deep passion for books. Ever since she was a child, she has surrounded herself with story and imagination. She graduated as a studio art major from the College of Wooster, and currently lives in Westlake, Ohio.

    Book Review

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

The Shadow and the Light is a young adult fantasy novel by author S.K. Michels. Drawing on the traditional parallels of dark and light, evil and good, the story takes place in a world where the Shadow, a powerful dark force, has been imprisoned, but soon threatens to break free and ravage the land. The story centers on two male leads, Zain and Nathan, who are very different boys in their spirits. Zain struggles with a mysterious darkness that seems to be growing inside him, fighting to be unleashed, whilst Nathan is charmingly hapless as a soft spoken kid caught up in a world he doesn’t understand.

The biggest strength in S.K. Michels’ writing is the commitment to full character development. From the word go, readers are sucked deep into Zain’s tormented psyche, with prose that feels pacy and active as it runs through a roller coaster of fears and feelings. Nathan too is given the introspective treatment, creating two leads that gradually make their journeys to the opposite ends of the spectrum with the readers hanging on every step of the way. The plot of The Shadow and the Light has all the tension-building ingredients and heart breaking scenes that you’d expect from epic fantasy, as Zain and Nathan seek out the one who holds the Light, each for their own reasons. If you’re looking for a classic fantasy tale with characters that you can really live through, then this is a must-read that will have you emotionally rattled by the end.

Tracy Slowiak

In an interesting and unusual book by debut author S.K. Michels, The Shadow and the Light, the reader is introduced to two unique and different characters, Zain and Nathan. Zain, also known as the Shadow, has been imprisoned in a deep sleep by the Light. Nathan, a shy and quiet orphaned boy from the woodlands, finds that his life has much more importance than he ever thought. Zain, on the side of darkness, struggles with the evil within himself. Nathan, on the side of light, realizes that he is on an amazing adventure, one that he never imagined, in order to fulfill his duty to protect the light. Which side will win?

Author S.K. Michels has done a fantastic job in re-telling one of the oldest tales of all time--the story of good and evil, darkness and light. The Shadow and the Light is a great story, very adventurous and exciting in parts, and thought provoking in others. S.K. Michels has created characters in both Zain and Nathan that the reader will truly care about. It's an interesting twist for a reader to have sympathy and empathy for what could be considered to be "the bad guy" like Zain, but I definitely felt that for Zain. The author's skill in showing his psychological torment certainly came through in that respect. I very much enjoyed The Shadow and the Light, and am also looking forward to seeing what author S.K. Michels will be offering next. If it is as creative and intriguing as this, it will absolutely be worth the read.

Gisela Dixon

The Shadow and the Light by S.K. Michels is fantasy novel based on the fundamental concepts of light and darkness, good and evil, and how each one of us hold both within ourselves. The story starts with an introduction to Zain, a young boy, who also holds The Shadow within him. Caught in a Tomb for decades, Zain awakens and sets out on a quest for the Light and what he yearns for. We also meet Nathan, a young boy of the woods, who comes into his own as he realizes his mission is to protect the Light. As their lives converge, we understand more about the battle between Zain and Princess Laelia and the consequences from it. As the world is caught up in another great battle, we meet fascinating characters such as the Ghennas, Old Dragons, and ferocious beasts, as Light and Darkness fight once more towards an exciting climax.

The Shadow and the Light by S.K. Michels is a wonderful, gripping story based on the classic themes of the clash between darkness and light, both literally and figuratively. I loved the character of Zain. To me, although he is The Shadow and represents the darkness within each one of us, I could sense his turmoil and restlessness as he grapples with who he is and what he wants. All of the other characters in The Shadow and the Light complement the storyline beautifully. The portrayal of Laelia and Arienne, with their differences and their flaws, is superbly captured. The writing style is very engaging and really kept me wanting to read the whole book without a pause. It’s been a long time since I have enjoyed a fantasy novel so much. I would highly recommend it.

Rabia Tanveer

The Shadow and the Light by S.K. Michels is about the centuries-old fight between light and dark and good and evil. The story began some eighty or so years ago when Shadow had a tight grip on the people and was on the verge of destroying everything. However, Light came in, fought off Shadow and restored peace. For eighty-three years, Shadow had been in a coma-like sleep, but now it is awake and seeking revenge and vengeance. Shadow has finally broken out of his prison and is ready to restart his Ending War.

Now in this world of pain, misery and darkness two young men named Zain and Nathan grapple with their destinies and their wills. Throughout the journey, they make friends and enemies, but only one of them has the power to embrace his destiny and still be true to himself. Will the Shadow and Light meet again? Who will win this time? Or will it be the end of the world?

You don't come across many young adult fantasy novels that are as good as The Shadow and the Light. S.K. Michels did an amazing job in creating characters that are memorable, strong and have a certain charm that attracts the readers. I truly enjoyed this novel because the sense of adventure and dread were interwoven and I could not help, but become invested in Zain and Nathan's stories. It is amazingly written, fluent, charming and very entertaining. I loved it. Novels like these make you beg for a sequel! I hope Michels writes another novel soon!

Chris Fischer

In an intriguing new read by author S.K. Michels, The Shadow and the Light follows the stories of two young men, Zain and Nathan. Zain, called ‘Shadow,’ holds the Darkness within him; he has awakened after being in a deep sleep for almost a hundred years. Imprisoned there by the Light after he had been prepared to destroy the land during the Ending War, Zain must now fight the war inside him. Nathan, a quiet orphaned woodlander who never saw himself as a hero, is now drawn toward protecting the Light and finds himself in an absolutely epic adventure worthy of the greatest of warriors.

I very much enjoyed The Shadow and the Light. This is a well-paced, exciting and adventurous read that will have you hooked from the very first page. Author S.K. Michels is skilled at world crafting, and also at creating characters that the reader will truly care about. I’m still thinking about Zain and Nathan, long after finishing the book, and if that is not a testament to the chops of this author, I am not sure what would be. The Shadow and the Light is a book that would be enjoyed by any reader, young adult or not, who loves fantasy, adventure or just a thrilling read by an author they haven’t yet discovered, but who will certainly become a favorite. I am pleased to recommend this book, and certainly hope that S.K. Michels is hard at work on another in this series. I, for one, will certainly be anxiously waiting for its release.