The Sisterhood of Motherhood

Fiction - Short Story/Novela
100 Pages
Reviewed on 06/25/2024
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Pikasho Deka for Readers' Favorite

Darla Nagel's The Sisterhood of Motherhood follows a young woman's experience with surrogacy. In her early thirties, Bethany Harding has a promising career in publishing. She has her life back on track after recovering from a traumatic brain injury caused by an accident seven years ago. But when she learns of her sister-in-law Ivy Jean's diagnosis of cervical cancer, she is willing to do anything to help her extended family. Knowing that her brother Brandon and his wife want a second child, Bethany offers to be their surrogate. However, Michigan's surrogacy laws forbid Bethany from doing so, leading her to move to Cleveland, Ohio, where Brandon and Ivy Jean live. Battling many challenges, including losing a twin, Bethany finally delivers the baby, only to be plagued by postpartum depression. Will she seek help?

The Sisterhood of Motherhood is a heartfelt slice-of-life story that follows a young woman's journey of self-discovery. Darla Nagel tells a moving, character-driven tale of sisterhood and friendship that demonstrates the resilience of the human spirit amid adversity. The author doesn't waste a single word, weaving a concise and absorbing plot that has your attention from the first page to the last. Bethany is someone who always felt overshadowed by her older brother. She wants to feel helpful and be loved but shies away from asking others for help. The family dynamics are the book's highlight for me, especially Bethany's relationships with Ivy Jean, Brandon, and her parents. I really appreciated the ending. I found it both realistic and hopeful. This is the perfect book for readers who love short, well-written, and intimate dramas.