The Solo Female Travel Book

Tips and Inspiration for Women Who Want to See the World on Their Own Terms

Non-Fiction - Travel
110 Pages
Reviewed on 05/21/2020
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Mamta Madhavan for Readers' Favorite

The Solo Female Travel Book: Tips and Inspiration for Women Who Want To See The World on Their Own Terms by Jen Ruiz shares the author's experiences, inspiration, funny failures, and practical tips for anyone thinking about going on a solo trip. This book is a perfect manual for readers wanting to travel alone and it gives excellent tips on how to prepare for it, choose the right destination, plan the itinerary, take good photographs, pack light yet carry all the essentials, and make friends abroad so that they don't feel lonely. For those who have been scared to travel alone, this book is the best tool to make them get rid of those fears and be ready to discover the world on their own.

The Solo Female Travel Book is a fun read and the author's honesty and straightforwardness in tackling the subject will encourage readers and the techniques shared will gear them towards facing any challenge that awaits them, abroad, or at home. From her first overnight backpacking trip to the Havasu Falls, Arizona till the very end, the book will keep readers glued to its pages; and the adventure, the fun, and the planning of the solo travels and the solo travel suggestions and strategies will fascinate readers who love to travel to new destinations.

Jen Ruiz speaks about the topic extensively and expansively, leaving the reader in no doubt while planning a solo trip and makes traveling enjoyable and captivating. There are two free resources at the end of this handy manual; the first gives a list of groups, websites, and 10 apps that will help one to meet people as loneliness can be a deterrent among solo travelers, and the second is a list of 12 things that should be done on the night prior to travel so that they can travel with peace of mind.