The Soul Gene

Fiction - Science Fiction
258 Pages
Reviewed on 11/21/2012
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Author Biography

Lynn Demarest was a newspaper reporter in South Florida in the 1980s, then he became a computer programmer. 'The Soul Gene' is his first novel.

Mr. Demarest lives in West Palm Beach with his wife, a dog, and a cat. The cat has the best life, by far.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Anne Boling for Readers' Favorite

The new owner of Bayner Genetics has assigned researchers Baily Foster and Susan Griffin the task of finding a treatment for lesbianism. What the two discover will affect the world. What if there was a “soul gene?” What if when we die we are reincarnated and we come back as something to do with our past life? What would you do? Would you continue living your life as you do now? Would you want to end your life to begin anew?

The tale spans 100 years from 1960-2060. The reader will journey to Lhasa. This book speaks of God but does not follow Christian tradition, but more along the lines of Buddhism and Hinduism. The reader should be forewarned this book is not meant for the faint of heart. The Soul Gene is an extremely violent tale with great detail of murder, assault, and sexual situations, including pedophilia.

The plot of this book is fascinating, Lynn Demarest has an incredible imagination. I am almost at a loss for words and that doesn't happen often. I began to ponder the idea of the “soul gene.” While this is part science fiction and part romance, I think it is much more. I see a deeper meaning. This book needs to be read slowly and its meaning contemplated. Lynn Demarest has written a book that will stay with me for a long time. I highly recommend this book to fans of science fiction and alternative romance. While this book is well written and I highly recommend it to fans of science fiction and alternative romance, I would not recommend this book for anyone under 21.