The Taste of Datura

Fiction - Crime
380 Pages
Reviewed on 07/04/2024
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Author Biography

Lorenzo is an independent author of crime fiction novels set in Italy.. He holds a Global MBA in International Marketing from Suffolk University in Boston, Massachusetts, with a background in marketing for entertainment and life sciences. Lorenzo lives in the Boston area, and travels frequently to Italy where he's inspired to write. His crime fiction books include THE TASTE OF DATURA (set in Naples) and A MISTAKE INCOMPLETE (set in Milan). Also look for his debut novel THE LOVE FOOL - a romantic comedy set in Rome.

Instagram @lorenzomagnus
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    Book Review

Reviewed by Alma Boucher for Readers' Favorite

The Taste of Datura by Lorenzo Petruzziello is about the mystery surrounding a bracelet. The bracelet Nick Terenzi purchased at an antique store in Rome came in a tin box with engravings of flowers, plants, and animals. Though he could not find any information about it, Nick believed the bracelet was valuable. Being a medium, Laura could communicate with spirits whenever they desired to convey messages to her. Laura had vivid dreams about the same woman for months, but these had recently been more intense than usual. As Laura and Nick frequently found themselves in the same location, Laura understood that Nick's presence was what started her visions. With Laura's help, Nick was able to learn more about the bracelet, but their combined knowledge put them both in danger.

The Taste of Datura by Lorenzo Petruzziello is filled with ghosts, mediums, and references to Greek mythology. There was never a dull moment in the story because it moved so quickly and there was always something going on. The picture and description of the Datura plant piqued my interest, and I found it hard to put the book down. Each of the many characters had a distinct role to play in the story. Nick did not know what to make of Laura as a medium, but he soon began to trust her. I felt as though I was there because of how vividly Laura's visions were described. It is evident that the author has personally visited several of the locations and that a great deal of research has been done.