The Valentine Circle

A Silas de San Michel Mystery

Fiction - Mystery - Sleuth
496 Pages
Reviewed on 07/31/2015
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Author Biography

Reinaldo DelValle grew up in the Deep South, just outside Atlanta, GA. He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from Kennesaw State University and a Master of Theological Studies from Spring Hill College. He has worked in the Advertising, Marketing, and Communications industries for over ten years and has taught a number of classes in philosophy and theology to adults as well as children.

When he's not writing, he's spending time with his family, hitting the gym, watching movies, buying overpriced one-sixth scale action figures, studying, and reading large boring books on philosophy and theology.

One more thing; he loves ninjas.

    Book Review

Reviewed by Chris Fischer for Readers' Favorite

Excitement and intrigue seem to be the two things promised by The Valentine Circle: A Silas de San Michel Mystery by Reinaldo DelValle, and the book certainly delivers that, and a whole lot more. The story begins with our hero, Silas de San Michel, alone and without a memory, stowed away on a fishing boat that’s just arrived at Boston Harbor. Through a few twists and turns, he ends up working with Inspector Belloc and his irrepressible assistant, Posy Chapman, as they investigate a very disturbing rash of murders of young pregnant girls and babies. As they delve further and further into this nightmare scenario, they find that each of the girls was involved with a secret and powerful society, The Valentine Circle, which holds control over the city’s police. They realize that they are not only dealing with a psychopathic killer, but also a sinister group that has held influence for many decades.

The Valentine Circle is a fast-paced, action-packed and fun read. There are a few inconsistencies with the point of view of characters, and sometimes the conversation between characters seems a bit modern for discussions that are supposed to be happening in 1885, but those flaws are forgivable in this overall well written novel. Some people might be a bit disturbed by the very graphic violence in the latter part of the book, but I thought that the descriptions were well done and integral to the plot. Reinaldo DelValle’s book would appeal to any reader of fiction, mysteries, and especially those who love a lot of action. The only caution I have would be to give yourself enough time to read this book because once you start it definitely grabs you from the get-go and it’s hard to put down!