The Wall Breaker

Fiction - Historical - Personage
27 Pages
Reviewed on 03/11/2015
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Author Biography

Olga is Ukrainian-born author, grew up in Dnipropetrovsk city, large industrial center located on the banks of Dnipro river.
She own degree in medicine and is interested in writing as a tool for the people to help, support and inspire each other.
She can be e-mailed at or contacted through blog:

    Book Review

Reviewed by Jack Magnus for Readers' Favorite

The Wall Breaker is a historical novella written by Olga Vasylyeva. It's set in the mid-twentieth century and is the story of Tony Esposito. Tony's fingers were damaged by the machinery he was operating when he was 16 years old. There was no compensation paid to him, and the factory where he worked simply transferred him to another section where he could use his eyesight instead of his hands. The type of work and the poor lighting conditions of the factory soon started to damage his eyesight as well. Tony had dreams of being a painter. He had inherited the skills and artistic vision from his father, who never got to practice his craft and died prematurely after a hard life in the mines. Tony wants to live forever, to achieve immortality, and for him, that could happen with his art.

Olga Vasylyeva's historical novella, The Wall Breaker, is sumptuous and lyrical. The author swiftly involves the reader in Tony's quest for immortality and his love for the paintings and works of the artists who influence him. Most poignant is sharing in his discovery of artists who also had impaired vision, and witnessing his evolving strategy to make his art his own. I had a marvelous time reading this story. Both Parts 1 and 2 are well-plotted and beautifully crafted. The Wall Breaker is the kind of literature that makes you want to read it slowly and then go back and start the story all over again...and then think about it some more. Tony breaks the walls and lives his dreams, and it's so inspiring to see him do it. The Wall Breaker is most highly recommended.